The Beginning of the End

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One Year Later

Dani glances at her phone when it pings, incoming email, and one that was reserved for a particular group. She opens it and sees that it was a video from Josh, he was asking everyone to come to his cabin again this year. Dani still felt guilty about what happened, she should have been there for her best friend when she needed her. She wondered if she could have prevented what happened to them if she hadn't drank so much.

She sighed before biting her lip, she couldn't let them down again and maybe she could find answers about what actually happened to them while she was there. She takes a deep breath and responds to Josh before going to grab her bag. Dani's phone pings again and she glances at it, it was Sam asking her if she was going. She always got along best with Sam, the Washington siblings, Ashley, and Chris.

She didn't care much for Emily. Although Mike could be a pompous ass and Emily was a bitch. Although she sometimes wondered if that was Mike's facade and only acted like that because of Emily since they had their moments together. She responds to Sam and they make a plan to meet up. She would meet her to catch the bus to the mountain in a few days. She sighs before starting to pack a bag, maybe she could also forget about her brother while she was there but she doubted it.

A few days later

"Thanks." Dani says to the taxi driver before handing him money. She gets out of the car and grabs her bag from the trunk before closing it. "Dani!" She hears before looking for the source and smiling when she sees Sam. "Hey, Sam." She says as Sam approaches and pulls her in for a hug. "You get your ticket yet?" She asks Sam. "Yeah. The bus should be here any minute so hurry up." Sam says and she smirks.

"Yes, ma'am." Dani says before going inside to buy her ticket. It takes her a few minutes before she's back outside with Sam. "You ready for this?" Sam asks and she sighs. "Not really. You?" She questions. "No but I want to help Josh." Sam says and Dani smirks at her friend. "Do I detect a crush?" She teases before Sam lightly pushes her. "Dani, don't you even dare." She says and Dani laughs.

"Thou doth protest too much, Miss Giddings." Dani shoots back. "Hey look the bus is here." Sam says as it pulls in and Dani rolls her eyes. "You do realize your still going to be stuck with me on the bus right?" She questions and Sam smirks. "Yeah, but I can pretend to sleep." Sam says and shrugs as they walk towards the bus. "You wouldn't. You like me too much." Dani says and Sam smiles. "You're right." She agrees and I hand the bus driver my ticket.

"Thank you." She says as she gets on the bus.
"Where do you want to sit?" She asks Sam. Sam picks a seat and Dani puts her backpack in the overhead. "After you." Dani says, giving Sam the window seat. Sam sits after she puts her bag up and Dani sits beside her. "They talk and laugh for a while, it felt almost normal with everything that happened. Sam offers her a headphone and she puts it in her ear before she hears the Radio host.

She listens to the radio host talk to the sheriff about Beth and Hannah's disappearance. I feel the familiar guilt for not being there for my best friend. If I hadn't drank that night they could still be alive. Sam puts on Josh's video and she watches the invite, he seemed off but that was to be expected with what happened to his sisters. They spent the rest of the bus ride in comfortable silence, opting to listen to Sam's phone instead of talking.

"Last stop, ladies." Dani hears and looks up as the bus slows to a stop. Dani grabs her backpack and puts it on before heading to the front. "Thank you." She says before getting off the bus and waiting for Sam. Dani looks at the Blackwood Pines sign and feels a sense of dread. She couldn't tell if it was because of what happened last year or if something else was nagging at her.

"Weird being back, isn't it?" Sam asks, taking her out of her reverie and she nods. "Yeah. I can't quite place what I'm feeling right." Dani says as they start walking and she learnt a long time ago to always trust her gut. "Yeah. We can't tell Josh." Sam says and she looks at her friend as she opens the gate. "Yeah. We just need to be there for him this weekend and help him heal. You could help with that better than any of us." Dani teases and Sam lightly shoves her again before they both laugh.

Escape From Blackwood Mountain (Until Dawn - OC x Mike)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora