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her fingers drummed along to the soft pop music playing throughout the cafe, her head bops slightly as well, keeping up with the rhythm of the unfamiliar song.

park haena tried to focus on reading the textbook laid out in front of her, but it's really hard when she's getting distracted by the music. especially when the topic is incredibly boring. she also tend to get distracted by the people that came in to order; because the barista talked unnecessarily loud. she thought the barista's doing it just to annoy her.

she managed to get to the end of the chapter and she quickly write down a summary for her class tomorrow. it's her least favourite class this semester, but she need the credits to graduate. luckily she only has another week in that class until the semester's over; and then she can kiss a goodbye. well, after the final.

she finally finished writing her summary and she quickly pack her stuff into her bag, not wanting to look at it for another second. she's been there for four hours just doing her classwork and studying for finals and she's sick of it. thank god she's finally finished.


and the rain came down at an increasing speed, bouncing off the busy city ground.

great, now it's raining and she doesn't have any umbrella with her —well she has it earlier, but she just lend it to eunha, her best friend— fuck her luck.

taking the last gulp of her milky coffee, she stood up, pulling her coat further around her, preparing to face the cold rains outside which was about to pinch her nose and bite her fingers.

picking up her bag, she pushed her wooden chair back in under the table and made her way to the door. she didn't want to go home now, but she has to; her aunt will be mad at her if she come home late.

upon arriving outside, she was welcomed by a heavy rain. shivers ran down her spine as she rubbed her arms, damn it, she felt cold.

and there was it again, she saw him, standing across her, with an umbrella.


i suck

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