"You should have helped me escape.." Hanabusa Aido replied panting..

"Aido-senpai... Is it okay for you to stay here in the Chairman's private office? If you don't want too.. You can stay in Zero's room in the dorm." Yuki suggested.. I turn around and scream..

"Rejected!!" Both me and Hanabusa Aido said in unison.

"I'm hungry.." Yuki hide behind the door.. "What!! Home cooking his fine.. Make me some.. But I want it to be delicious like Yu-chan always make to us.. Oh.. Now that you mention it..... Is Yu-chan living in your house alone?? Maybe I can stay there for a while.. Can you get me a bed nice and soft.. Make sure the linen has lavender scent.. I can't sleep withoug it... And the curtains.. And if someone tries to find me don't tell me I'm living together with Yu-chan.. Let's see.. A towel.. And a tooth-brush too.." Hanabusa Aido was startinv to get on my nerves.. There's no way I allow you to live together with Yumika.. I was going to punch him when..

"Zero.. Calm down.. Itcs good Yumika's not here.. I'm sure she'll definitely let Aido-senpai to live with her.." Yuki grab my wrist.. Well it'a good that Yumika leave quickly before she sees this stupid bloodsucker.. "Aido-senpai.. Did something happen in the dorm that made you not want to stay? Yumika waa telling me you're not your usual self either.. Did something happen?" Yuki asked him seriously..

"It's nothing.." Hanabusa Aido simply replied.. I head to the Chairman's pricate kitchen to cook him some food.. It may not as delicious as Yumika's but I'm confident with my skills.. I started to cooked uim some food.

End of POV


Takuma POV

We are inside the car.. Kaname, Kain and Me.. We are going to guard Kaname when he's facing the Council of Ancients about what happened last night

"I think it's impossible for Lord Kaname to defy the Senate house.." Kain asked. Kaname was just silent looking outside at the dark scenery..

"Well Kaname, You're a very docile kind of pureblood.. Well on the outside at least.." I replied.. "But Kaname... It seems that this time, they standards say that.. There is nothing wrong with the situation.. Zero Kiryu murdered Shizuka Hiou with a good reason.. And he is going to be executed by the senate house with the charde of 'pureblood homicide' and you want to stop this.. "He hunted an old enemy... Do you know what they're going to say to you who have given him the protection with your 'PUREBLOOD' status..." I explained.. But Kanamebwas still silent.. "Lord Kaname, you saved a classmate while disregarding your ancestry.. The Senate House won't carry out the truth with peace.. It will be Lord Kaname.." I started to mimick what will the council was about to say. "Right... Kaname.." I smile and added.

End of POV

Yuki POV

I don't believe this. He even said he won't like to eat Zero's cooking but he finish it all.. Still...

"It's not enough..." Aido-senpai wipe the food debris and said it..

"Aido-senpai... Please go back to your dorm.. Kaname-sama was going to scold you.." I said it thinking he will turn back but he just went silent.. I grab all the empty plates signing and head back to the kitchen..

"WHAT!! He wants more?? I made enough portion for three people!!" Zero asked me..

"Yes... Looks like he has no spirit at all.. Don't you think we need Yumika to make him her 'special recovery' bentou?" I asked Zero but he throw me his blood tablet.

"No need.. Just give me some time.. I'll make him more food.. I may not as good as Yumika I have confidence in my cooking and beside I don't hate it at all.." Zero started to make another batch of food for Aido-senpai. I was standing looking at him.. "What is it?" Zero asked me.. He pinned me on the the wall trapping me in his arms.. I blush.

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