I'm back

769 33 24

 ok my family wen't through A LOT of stuff now it's fixed we are fiiine

Which group you're stuck in quarantine with

Aries: BB

Taurus: MTC

Capricorn: FP

Virgo: MT

Gemini: DH

Leo: BAT

Cancer: MTC

Aquarius: DH

Pisces: FP

Libra: BB

Scorpio: MT

Sagittarius: FP

BB- buster bros

MTC- Mad trigger crew

FP- Fling Posse

MT- Mantenrou 

DH- Dotsuitare Hompo

BAT- Badass temple


hi i'm back

with better wifi

i am so sorry

i was about to stop writing this because of family matters

but i love doing this so i'm not going to stop

again i am really really really sorry

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