"Murder is ok"

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Who told you literally told you that as advice

 Aries: Jyuto- "I'm a cop I'll say that it was for defence"

Taurus: Ichiro- "You know what I might have a friend who would-"

Capricorn: Ramuda- "Kindness is the best option tho" *gives you a knife saying kindness*

Virgo: Samatoki- " or I'll just do it myself then"

Gemini: Hifumi- "But only do it when you have to-"

Leo: Riou- "Survival instincts says so"

Cancer: Jakurai- "Even doctors have to go there" (jakurai hold up-)

Aquarius: Saburo- "If were going the bersek way"

Pisces: Doppo- "It's the only option"


Scorpio: Dice- "I got someone who could help" (ramuda *cOuGhS*)

Sagittarius: Gentaro- "Of course i'm lying.....maybe"


please don't follow that tho-

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