chpt 1 :p

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chapter 1 : the start of it all;

( 3RD POV )

it was moving day for you. a new place to call home, a new school, with new friends. you were moving from tokyo ( i'm with my ghouls🙃 LMAO IM SO SRY ) to miyagi p. you were always interested in a certain sport : y/f/s.
(your favorite sport. mine is gymnastics) the sport always made you feel good so when you started it you wanted to keep going your parent(s) ( or guardian ) were very happy with your choice. you had to move due to issues with the old resident and money.

you never really had friends so you didn't really have to say goodbye at your old school. though, you had one relationship that messed you up pretty bad and made you happy to leave. they were as toxic as britney spears says. you let it happen though you weren't depressed or sad just numb you soon got scared if any other guy asked you out worried that your last told them anything bad. you were and still are a good person you just so happen to be with the wrong person at the time and you haven't been in a relationship since. but that's not a problem anymore. right ...?

( Y/N POV )

"g/n!!!" (guardians name) i yelled at the top of my lungs. "ban is teasing me and he won't stop !!" my older brother is an annoying 4th year who just loves to tease me like i'm a dog.
oh and my name is y/n l/n i'm current 2nd year moving from tokyo to miyagi p. i like ( insert interests ) and absolutely hate ( insert dislikes ). i am an only girl. that's right you heard me, an only girl with 3 brothers: 1 older, 2 younger. i like my baby brothers more they're not assholes like my older one. in a few days i'll be going to a school called karasuno and hopefully this school will be a better experience. i'm glad our (guardian(s) title) gave us the rest of the week off to get settled in i'm exhausted.


it was around 5:30 so i decided to take my baby bro's to a near by park or something, maybe get some snacks too on the way.

( ANOTHER TIME SKIP ....bc.... i'm lazy.... :p )

as we arrived to the small snack shop i noticed someone; a couple guys actually with karasuno jackets. i thought about walking up to them to ask just to be sure but....i chickened out. sadly my baby brothers rioto and mizuko favorite snack happen to be down the aisle where supposed karasuno boys happen to be. "sissy those guys are in the way and our snack is down there" rioto said with a pout and zuko only nodded along with him. rioto is older than mizuko so zuko isn't using word quite yet.
"e-excuse me" i slightly stutter mentally slapping myself for doing so. there were 5 of them: one with orange hair and was pretty small, a tall dark black haired boy with a lot of milk in his hands for some reason, another tall one with blonde hair and glasses, a short one with black hair with a small blond streak in the front, the last one caught my eye they were all pretty attractive however i just found him way more of..."my type". he was pretty decently sized, in height that is but still taller than me. he had a buz-cut ( or however you spell it ) and was standing next to the small boy with the blonde streak.

they all looked at me i got scared but hid it pretty well. "can we please get through?" thank jahsin i didn't stutter. the tall blonde look down at me. i found it very insulting, i'm not that short! i would say i'm decent height.
it was like me and the blond were having a damn staring contest, except...more deadly. "i don't know small one, can you ?" and you know i'm a very polite person but sometimes you gotta treat others how they treat you, so i snapped back at him. "you have a lot of nerve for a walking french fry" said calmly and slightly hit him with my shoulder as i walked past him. his friends seem to be in shock but also laughing like he just had a good ole' slap in the face. "sissy we got our snacks!" rio said happily as we walked to the register. i payed for our things and put them in my bag so we wouldn't have our arms tired when we got to the park.

i walked out the store with my brothers and realized we probably shouldn't have walked. once we were outside the sun was setting so we just decided they can play in the back yard, since i like to read when it's nighttime.
i got outside the shop and realized 3/5 of those same boys from earlier were walking the same way i was. mizuko got tired, thank god i brought my bike i sat rioto on my bike, he's 6 so he's tall enough ride it and i sat zuko on my back so he can sleep. rioto was riding up ahead but not too far however we did catch up the boys from earlier who seem to have stopped for some odd reason. they turned to look at me but i want paying attention i was just keeping an eye on rioto with our h/t h/c blowing in the wind. ( hair texture and hair color :))


'man she's pretty.....wait...what?! no! i can't think like that!! i don't even know her name' i thought to myself "hey man you alright?" my best friend nishinoya looked at me with concern. "yea i'm fine..." i said drifting off slightly at the end. "oh sure you are you just so happen to be starring at the girl from earlier haha if i didn't know any better i'd say you got a thing for her" the salty tsukishima said sarcastically. "let's not forget about how she called you out back there" nishinoya says laughing. "hmph" was all the walking bag of salt could say. "but he's got a point you look like your love sick" noya says. "w-what?! n-no way! y-you guys are crazy  i-i don't even know her" i say flustered as ever and mentally face palming myself for being like this.

"so have you guys heard about the new student coming next week?" i ask trying to change the subject.
"yea" they both say. a gasp can be heard from my best friend "WHAT IF THE BABE BACK THERE IS OUR NEW STUDENT?!" noya yells slightly. "hmm? interesting. but it is a possibility i haven't seen her around any where maybe she's new the whole area?" tsuki says. "maybe. ughhh i have to get some rest! this is my stop guys. get home safely!" i shout walking to my street. "see ya" noya shouts back "bye" tsuki says calmly.


i get into my house and is greeted by my family as i tiredly greet them back. as soon as i finish my homework i hop in a nice hot shower and change into some clothes suitable to sleep in. 'she is really pretty though' i think as i drift to sleep inside my bed.

- takeda-chan

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