a small conversation

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* A glimpse into an early on conversation between two Strange teens*

Lil Cato watched the pink haired girl float above the ship, looking for nooks and crannies, something to do.

Gary was nearby, checking out the competition, mooncake was with him.  Clarence had gone to buy some weird looking food at a cheap concession stand, the big guy followed. Hue was inside the ship, arguing with the AI.

Lil Cato leapt onto the side of the ship, floundering a little before climbing safely to the top.The pink haired girl was standing on the edge of the ship, watching the desert. Her back was turned so she did not see him approach.



The girl jumped, literally jumped into the air. She spun around with her body in a defensive stance. Lil Cato raised an eyebrow.                   

"We'll aren't you relaxed" He quipped

The girl flushed when she saw who it was. She cleared her throat and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry..." The girl averted her eyes to the ground as she said this.
"It's cool" Lil Cato smiled reassuringly. there was an awkward silence when neither of them knew what to say, Lil Cato spoke first. "Why are you so on edge anyway?"

The girl smiled slightly and finally looked him in the eye, "Clarence just has a few enemies...". Lil Cato smirked a little at that "oh really, he seemed like a totally trustworthy,kind, non-enemies person" He said sarcastically. The girl laughed loudly at that, shaking with delight. Before resuming her composure, shyly she spoke "Yeah, I guess he immediately gives off that problematic vibe".

He didn't know when it happened but lil Cato realised they were both sitting down now, looking over the wide plains before them.

"What's your deal anyway?" The girl said arruptly (and might I add boldly)


"Like what's with your family, you all look a little..."


"Yeah, but I guess I cant talk"

Lil Cato grinned, "well we're both a little strange I guess". The girl was smiling back at him and he realised she was waiting for him to answer her question.

"We'll the funny thing is, none of us are related. Gary knew my dad, but then my dad-"lil Cato stopped talking looking grimly at the ground. "Well he's dead"
The girl placed her hand on lil Cato's shoulder, "I'm so sorry"
He smiled at her sweetly
She averted her gaze while she thought of something else to bring up.
"And the robot?" She asked
Lil Cato grinned, "well KVN is Gary's deep space insanity avoidance com lHUE used to be an AI, but then there was this big fight and the ship was dead so he had to transfer himself into a body or he would die too"
The girl furrowed her eyebrows "is that why he's always arguing with AVA?"

Lil Cato chuckled "I think so, but that doesn't deny their obvious sexual tension"

The girl's eyes widened and for a second lil Cato thought he had said something wrong.

Then she burst out laughing.

"It's true" she said between giggles "there is definite sexual tension"

Soon lil Cato was laughing along, and all the other crews were looking at them thinking they'd gone mad!
The laughter soon died down and the fell into silence once more. But this silence unlike the previous one, was comfortable.

"My parents are dead too" the girl said suddenly
Lil Cato smiled sympathetically and placed a hand on her shoulder like she did to him.

"I don't really want to talk about it"

"Oh okay"

Lil Cato searched his mind for a non problematic topic, he couldn't find one. So he resorted to questions.
"I just realised I know basically nothing about you" he stated

The girl smiled, she was clearly happy about the topic change.
"Likewise. I'll start, what's your favourite colour?"

" I know it's Basic, but yellow"

"Interesting, Mine's black"

"Black isn't a colour it's a shade"

The girl smirked "that's debatable". Lil Cato grinned, he was starting to like this strange girl. "Okay I'll go next" he said. "What's your favourite movie?"

"I don't think I have one, though I like the animated DC movies"

"That's cool, I'm more of a marvel guy"

The girl bit her lip for a second in thought. "What's your favourite food?"

"Anything from glorbo's"

"What's that?"

"It's this super cool restaurant, my dad used to take me there all the time!"

The girl smiled prettily "that sounds great, I quite like snake shakes. They're a super drink that makes your heart rate super high, it's a rush!"

"That doesn't sound super healthy"

The girl laughed "oh it's definitely not"

Lil Cato grinned while thinking. "Okay, what's your favourite-"

"I'm sorry Im not completely sure what your name is?"
The girl interrupted, then ducked her head slightly and smiled apologetically, as if she had done something wrong.
"Oh, it's good you said that 'cause I'm not sure of yours either".
The girl gave him a small smile.

"my name's Ash"

"I'm lil Cato"

Ash giggled a little, though she tried to hide it. Lil Cato smiled a strange smile. "Yeah I get it, it's a weird name, but so is Ash!"

"Mmm, not really"

"Oh yeah"

"Ash is a completely common name among many species!"

"We'll lil Cato probably is we just don't know it yet!!"

"Yeah I'm not too sure about that-"


A shreik was wailed from below where they were sitting, it was (of course) Clarence. "Ash stop fraternising with the cleaning boy and help me with these machine parts!"

Ash rolled her eyes, then smiled at lil Cato apologetically. "Sorry"
Lil Cato (though he was frustrated with this interruption) smiled back reassuringly.

"It's fine"

Ash stood up, preparing to levitate down, but she halted briefly as if pondering what to say. Finally she turned to face him and smiled the most adorable smile "This has been... Nice"

Then the girl with the pink hair floated down to her adopted father, who was screeching about one thing or another.

Lil Cato grinned a little to himself, he'd made a friend

Even if it was a strange,funny, cute, off-putting, awkward,wonderful girl with pink hair.

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