•Twenty Four•

Start from the beginning

With Pomelia's improved hearing she was able to hear who was on the other line. It sounded like Trent's voice...? "I need a fucking excuse to go see that priestess. She's the record keeper. Does your mate have any records I can snatch up or did she take them?"

Pom was confused... "You can grab her records," War said quietly as she felt his voice drop a few octaves. It was getting hard to hear him. All she heard was War telling his friend her full name before he hung the phone up.

War sighed loudly before she felt the warmth of his body come closer to her again. "I know you're awake."

Pom pressed her lips together tightly, trying to stop the laugh about to bubble over.  Then she felt his hand smooth over her side and hike higher...till he reached under her arm. He was about to tickle her!

"No! Good morning!" She squealed, as she flipped onto her back, fighting off War's big hands. "War no!" She squealed as he continued to try and tickle her.

He was laughing, trying weakly to play fight with her. Pom could tell he was holding back a lot and it made her even more happy. It would be so incredibly easy for War to overpower her, yet he was purposely holding back.

As they mock wrestled, of course things lead to one another and in less than a few seconds, War was settled atop of her, kissing and suckling her mouth til she was sure her lips were swollen and she was panting for breath.

While War pulled back to breathe, she looked up at him, his intense cool eyes staring intently at the mark he had given her. She didn't know what was going on in that head of his...so she decided to ask.

"You don't love me do you?"

He stiffened. She watched him open his mouth then shut it, a loud sigh resonating within him. She smiled at him, reaching out to his cheek. "It's okay War. You can tell me the truth."

"I don't," he revealed to her, making her smile falter. She knew it already but it still hurt to hear it. "I can't live without you...I know that," he explained to her as her smile brightened a fraction. "I'm sorry."

Pomelia shook her head, wriggling her wrists so that he would let go of her. She noticed War enjoyed pinning her down. She had no problem with that...she was sure it was just a male control situation.

Once she was able to sit up a bit, she kissed him chastely on the lips. "Don't be sorry for your feelings. I know you care for me, War. You would have never marked me if you didn't."

A look of relief crossed his features. "Thanks for not being upset." That made Pomelia sad. War was so guarded and different...she yearned to know more about him. She loved him...and she didn't even know his last name.

"You're fine War," she told him as she tried to find a way to bring up his life. "Does our pack have mating ceremonies? If we do...I would like to know the last name I'll be taking," she smiled to him as he gave her a wary look.

He sat back, creating some distance between them. "It's Apsel and yeah...if couples want to we have ceremonies."

Pomelia Apsel... It was a nice last name she supposed. "What's the origin? It sounds Irish maybe? Or German or-"

"-I don't know," he said quickly, as she noticed her phone was blinking. She picked it up and ignored a little reminder before going to the little internet icon.

"Well we can always ask the Internet!" She smiled as her mate didn't give away much emotion as she carefully typed in the meaning and origin of such a last name.

At the meaning, she had to giggle. It was such a contradiction, his name. "War your name means peace. Father of peace and your first name is War. You're a peaceful war," she laughed as he just stared at her...blinking.

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