Chapter 17

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Colin's POV


"Ow!" I yelped holding my shoulder after I smashed that car window.

"Ok, everyone in, QUICK!" Felix said.

I opened the driver's seat and hot wired it on.

At that moment a bullet hit our car, followed by the sounds of many more, and ricocheting.

I slammed the petal and heard the car take off.

Branches and leaves broke our windshield as we took off through the woods.

Everyone was screaming and I barely could see.

I drifted for about 100 feet and we hit a desert highway.

I slammed it again and we were going about 100MPH

Finally the bullets stopped.

We escaped.

Everyone was panting and asking if one another were okay.

Harry had a bullet in his shoulder and one of his friends were helping get it out.

He was screaming.

Emily jumped from the front seat to the back seat.

Then a strange face came up next to me in the passenger seat...

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