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The patter of raindrops on the car window normally would have made Jade feel at peace, but tonight she sat with her arms crossed and eyes on the floor. She didn't even bother to keep an occasional tear from rolling down her cheek. Still, Jade appreciated her former frenemy not probing her and picking her up as quickly as she could. In fact Tori, was awkwardly quiet the whole drive to her house. The joy she felt when she finally acquired her license was overshadowed by concern for Jade. And apprehension toward the story she would probably hear from her soon.

Jade was doing everything she could to prevent herself from crying some more. That included burying her chin into one of Tori's pillows and clutching it for dear life. When Jade finished recounting the unfortunate occurrences during the disaster dinner, Tori's jaw was practically touching the floor.

"Jade, I'm so sorry," Tori lamented. "And poor Andre. I can't believe your dad said all that to him."

"I know," Jade sniffled. "He's probably gonna dump me over it."

"I thought he said he didn't blame you."

"But he said 'maybe we'll talk later,'" she added hand flourishes for dramatic effect. "That can't mean anything good!" She proceeded to start sobbing again.

"Jade, I'm sure Andre's not gonna break up with you because of your parents," Tori comforted.

"I don't know, Tori," Jade wailed. The aspiring pop star fearfully clenched her teeth. As horrible as Jade used to be to her, she hating seeing the prickly goth like that. And also she was bound to wake Tori's parents if the weeping continued.

"Okay, Jade," Tori gently asserted. "I'm going to make you some Belgium hot cocoa, and afterward you're gonna relax and get some sleep. Everything is gonna be fine."

All Jade could muster was a ghost of her smile.

"Thanks, Tori."

Andre's clammy hands gripped the steering wheel higher than normal. Usually he emitted his emotions by writing lyrics, but his leftover fury from last night rendered him unable to do so. It lingered until he called Ms. West's house the next morning looking to speak to his sweetheart. Instead, he learned that she was not there, panicked and proceeded to phone Tori. Andre was relieved to hear that Jade was safe with a friend, but the feeling mixed with the dallying desire to break her father's jaw and the impending, inevitable conversation he would have with his her. Would it be rather awkward? Yes. But was necessary because he loved her? Very much so.

The lyricist even had coffee for get along with some of her clothes, shoes, and other belongings packed away in a suitcase, courtesy of her mother. He figured she wouldn't be returning to her house anytime soon. After finally pulling up to Tori's house, he anxiously knocked on the door. To his initial surprise, the gal with the apparent valley girl accent answered her own door.

Duh Andre thought. Why would Jade answer?

"Heeey," Tori greeted him sheepishly.

"Hey, Tor," Andre stepped inside dragging the suitcase behind him. He was also taken aback by how quiet the house was.

"Where's your family?" Tori's face dropped.

"My parents went out on a date. Trina snuck into that restaurant we went to after tennis. She wants to see if she'll find any celebrities to harass."

Andre raised a brow.

"Yeah, I know," Tori groaned.

"Okay then. Where's Jade?"

"I told her you were coming aaand she might've locked herself in my bathroom," Tori twiddled her fingers as she spoke. Andre sighed.


"I'll give you two some privacy," and with that Tori scurried through her own front door.

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