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Hanging up the call, I leaded my feet towards Taeyong's room. My hand was just about to knock on his door but I stopped once I remembered clearly that I saw Taeyong walking out from this house earlier.

I dialed his number as I continued shaking my legs out of worriness. I bit my lower lip, anxiously waiting for him to pick up my call.

I seemed to hear a ringtone sound coming from his room so I put my thoughts aside and twisted the doorknob.

His phone was vibrating on his study desk. Why did he leave his phone here?

A sigh was released, I slide the decline button on his phone. Just after the call was declined, his lock screen automatically unlocked.

He was messaging someone before leaving the house.

"Would I be a busy body if I read his conversation?" His phone was resting on my palm, but my eyes were still wandering around.

"Message is privacy, but it's urgent that he went missing without leaving me any message. So I have the right to read this, right?"

Yes, only this once.

I put my phone aside and took a seat on his bed, reading out each word that appeared on the screen. It was a message from his mom.

'Taeyongie, I'm so sorry. I don't think I can live this way anymore. I've filed a divorce letter to court. I hope you won't hate dad or me for our final decision.'

I nearly drop Taeyong's phone as I read those unexpected words. This could be the reason why he left today's important presentation.

But I couldn't think of anything. I don't know him well and I've never really understand him, how am I supposed to know where he is now?

Come to think about it, there were not that many places we've been at together. Urgh! I've almost give up thinking!

Taeyong once said that he liked my place a lot. But he wouldn't be that brainless to run away to my hometown, right? Just, where on earth is he?

I laid down on his mattress, I let my right hand lifting up my head as I cluelessly staring at the standing frame of Taeyong and a women on the lamp table.

That women must be his mother.

I felt like carrying a regret of the fact that I've never tried to understand him. But him, he has done quite a lot for me. He ran to me whenever I was at my weakest point.

He must need someone by his side now but I was lying here and being a useless housemate.

He had saved me from a lot of problems. Even when I was attending a reunion with my old classmates, he brought me away to-

Wait! That park!

"When I was 8, I saw my parents fought for the first time. I felt terrified so I ran away from my house and ended up sitting at this place, crying alone. Since then, whenever I feel like running away, I'll come to this place."

How could I forget this important details?


"Please drive faster." As the cab was entering the park's area, my eyes couldn't stop looking out from the window.

I was searching for his shaddow, he'll be here, right?

"Miss, we've arrived." As I finished making payment, I jumped off the car. Day was getting darker so I anxiously looking for him before it's too late.

"Taeyong!" I pulled a guy's arm as I saw a same body figure as his. But I apologized as soon as he turned to me. "Sorry, I mistook you for my friend."

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