There had been many leads now of brutal killings in different areas. At first, it was just thought to be gangs or looters, but Rhodey had been following the case for a while now. He had good reason to believe that Clint had been behind the killings. The evidence he'd collected too really did support his theory, but you refused to believe that your beloved Clint was doing such horrible things to people.

The first report he had given on the case had been two years ago. You had been with Natasha helping her sort out what was going on in the world. Back then, helping her felt good. Like you were doing something worth while. That was before you realized how broken and unfixable the world was.

Rhodey had called in alone that day, his hologram appearing in the same room Natasha was sitting in currently.

"Hey." He greets the two of you, making you smile. God, how long had it been since you smiled?

"Hey Rodes." You say softly, putting down the pile of papers you had been flipping through and trying to organize. Natasha also put down her things and looked toward the other man.

"How's the world?" She asks tiredly, knowing there wouldn't be any good news, but hoping for some anyway. The look on Rhodey's face said it all though.

"Like a real shit hole." He says honestly. "Or at least the part I'm in. You remember that case that came up a few weeks ago? The one in Alabama?"

You nod, recalling it easily. There had been a huge crime spike in the area. Gangs and thieves had been gathering to do drugs deals. A few weeks ago, there were reports of a mass killing, leaving close to half of the people in the area dead. The pictures had been branded to your mind. Piles of bodies, slit throats, missing body parts. It was terrible and gruesome. Sure, a lot of people who died had been horrible people, but some people there had just been poor depressed people who were using drugs to escape the world.

"Well," Rhodey continues, "there's been another incident similar to that one in California." He reports. "It happened last night. Witnesses reported seeing a person dressing in black. There were quick and were described as moving like no normal human." He explains.

"So are they enhanced?" Natasha questions, which only caused Rhodey to shrug. "That's what people think. They must have super speed or enhanced combat skill training. No reports of powers, but some did say the person had a samurai sword."

After that case, things went dead for a while, and you assumed that whoever that person had been must have gotten him or her self killed. It wasn't until six months later that Rhodey came back with another report of the hooded assassin.

"People call him Ronin." He said, speaking to Nat, you and Steve. "I found out from some outside sources that he's been around lately doing smaller strikes. Mostly on gang leaders."

Steve's brows furrow with that information and he hums a little. He'd gotten a lot more into the cases recently as Ronin became more popular. "Can we track him down?" He asks, but Rhodey frowns a little.

"He's hard to track. But I did visit his latest strike, and I found out some... pretty interesting things..." He trails out, and you notice that he's doing everything not to look at you.

"Like what?" Steve asks slowly. Rhodey sighs and looks back up the group.

"He doesn't just use a samurai sword to take people out. I found... I found arrows. Just a few. When I got a closer look, I realized that some had been pulled out of the bodies. There might be a chance that..." he sighs, not wanting to finish what he was going to say.

Your heart skipped when he said that, immediately thinking about Clint. Arrows had been his biggest strength, the thing that defined Clint during his time as a shield agent and Avenger, but there was no way that Rhodey could think Clint did this.

A Second [Clint Barton x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now