"Good news?" Billie asked in confusion.

"Billie, I come from a pretty well known Music producing/songwriting studio here in LA. And my husband and I have been looking for a few fresh, inventive Songwriters and talented people and visionaries to be members of our studio. I wouldn't be able to provide you a stipend in your first year, but if need be, I do have live-in programs for those still in college. In this environment, your songwriting can grow even more and we have the perfect facilities for you to develop your technique and love for music. And I have heard that you have an amazing voice as well. If you're willing and interested, I would love to have you writing eventually for some pretty big artists. You have the kind of talent I have been looking for."

It was a little hard for Billie to believe. Getting the opportunity was a dream come true and if she had gotten it any time before October, she would have definitely accepted it as an alternative to college. And though it somewhat pained her to think about the fact that she couldn't devote that time to music anymore, she knew it was for the best. She was a mother first and foremost now, and that would be a full time job.

Billie shook her head. "Thanks, but I'll have enough on my plate taking care of my baby. I can't do both. So I'll have to respectfully decline."

Eleanor stared at her for a few seconds, looking a little surprised by her response, but Billie remained steadfast in her resolve. She'd meant what she had said. Jellybean came first, and Billie's job now was to make sure she gave her baby all her attention.

"I see. But I'm not giving up quite yet, Billie O'Connell. I must have your songwriting in my studio. You have such a unique style of writing and one day you're going to become huge. I just know it." Eleanor dug through the side pocket of her purse, pulling out a business card and slipping it in Billie's hand with a smile. "If you ever change your mind, give me a call."

Eleanor and Ms. Redmond walked on, continuing their easy stroll as they talked to other students. Billie stared at the card, wondering if this was one of those weird universe circumstances. On the one hand, Billie had received an opportunity for work as a songwriter, but on the other, she had a baby to take care of. And if she hadn't had the baby in the first place, she wouldn't have gotten inspiration for her song, and might not have caught the attention of the Eleanor at all. She snorted, wondering why things went the way they went sometimes.

She slipped it in her bag as Drew came strolling over with a huge smile.

She was happy that Drew was here. It had been a while since she'd last gotten a chance to spend some time with Drew. As head of prom committee, she'd been busy for most of April. Then with the exams and senior awards and last day of school preparations, she'd also been particularly detained. And now as confirmed salutatorian, she was very busy with other preparations for graduation in a month, so she hadn't had much time to spend with Billie. Billie was just glad Drew had the taken time out of her busy schedule to be able to support her in the final senior music show.

"You okay, Billie?" Drew asked, rubbing her shoulder.

Billie was a little sad that after this she would be giving up music for good, but it was a sacrifice she was totally willing to make for her baby.

"I'm fine. Just relishing the moment. It's the last time I'll experience this after all."

They remained like that, relaxed against each other and watching the bustling hall of people as they talked amongst each other about music scholarships and what not.


It was a bittersweet day.

Billie should have been jumping for joy by all means. She should have been excited that she'd finally graduated from high school, but she wasn't quite there. Don't get her wrong, she was ecstatic that she had successfully completed her goal. The reception after the ceremony was fantastic and taking pictures with all her friends and the family she'd come to create was a sweet reminder to Billie of the wonderful people who had to thank for making her pregnancy manageable. Drew had cried, saddened that their time in high school had officially come to an end. And Billie tried to smile and be happy, especially since she'd been discharged from the hospital a couple weeks prior and could actually take part in the graduation festivities.

Billie and Brandon: Unpredictable CircumstancesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora