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"It that actually comfortable?" Brandon asked curiously, glancing down at her as he walked around the sofa after dimming the main lights of the living room.

Billie tilted her head up from her recline on the floor, shifting the pillow under her hips a bit.

"Surprisingly, yeah." Billie said, "It feels better for my back and hips."

He settled on the floor, lying beside her and leaning on his elbow as he watched her. Billie tried to fight her blush at the dazed happiness in his expression, though she knew it was useless. There was nothing she could do to keep her face from blossoming in colour when Brandon looked at her like that.

Like he loved her.

She moved her hand across her abdomen, applying a little pressure every once in a while.

"What are you doing?" Brandon asked, yawning. "Your hands, I mean."

"Trying to see if I can get her to kick me." Billie admitted honestly, glancing up at Brandon. "I know Dr. Torres told us not to worry, but it's kind of disconcerting not to feel her moving."

She wanted to connect with Jellybean. Feel that special moment mothers raved about where their babies would respond back to them in their own way with kicks and movement. She wanted to start getting to know her Jellybean. What made her tick, what excited her, what made her react.

Brandon's gaze softened. "Maybe she just needs more encouragement."

"What do you mean?"

Brandon peeled up the bottom of her shirt and linked the fingers of his hand with one of Billie's hands, gently guiding their conjoyed hands around the swell of her belly. Billie's skin prickled in excitement, her heart racing. For some reason, the feeling like they were a married couple wouldn't leave her mind.

"She just needs to know we're both here and waiting for her. Sing something."

Billie frowned. "If she hasn't responded to me talking to her, what makes you think she's going to respond to me singing?"

"It's worth a try, isn't it?" he said, shit eating grin in place despite his obvious fatigue.

"Brandon, that's ridi-"

And they both froze when they felt a bump against their conjoined hands. It felt something like a muscle spasm, and Billie hopped in surprise. Without a doubt, she knew exactly what it was.

"Holy shit! She kicked, Brandon! Jellybean kicked!" Billie gasped, giggling excitedly. "Did you feel that?!"

"It was like she was telling us to shut up or something." Brandon laughed, a similar look of peaceful bliss on his face.

"Let's try to get her to kick again!" Billie poked her belly with her free hand. "Jellybean. Nova. Mommy's here. Can you hear me?"

There was no response.

"Let me try." Brandon leaned slightly down, so his voice was projected towards her abdomen.

"Hey Jellybean. It's Daddy. We're going to name you Nova. Do you like your name?"

There was another bump against their hands and Brandon gave Billie a smug look, eyebrow raised in amusement.

"She likes me better than you." He teased.

"Urgh..." Billie rolled her eyes, knowing he was going to bring this up forever.

Why did she have a feeling their kid would really become a daddy's girl?

"Jellybean, you traitor." Billie harangued playfully. "I've been carrying you for twenty-five weeks and this is how you repay me?"

She felt another quivering-like sensation in her abdomen, and she let out a soft laugh, feeling unbelievable elation from knowing that Jellybean was responding to her. Actually moving and responding and kicking to their words. Billie had always known she was alive, especially since she could see her heartbeat during ultrasounds, but having this physical proof, feeling her motions, was absolutely surreal.

"She's really alive..." Brandon said, sounding awed. "This is so crazy..."

"I know..." she said softly, turning her head and smiling at Brandon.

He leaned in and kissed her, a slow, sweet thing that made Billie's heart feel like it was bursting out of her chest. When he pulled away, she held his affectionate gaze, knowing exactly what he was saying to her without words.

It was the same thing she was saying to him too.

She wasn't exactly sure how long they laid there, staring at each other without saying anything, just basking in each other's presence, fingers intertwined and resting on her abdomen while Jellybean occasionally took sharp whacks at her. But at some point, Brandon's breathing grew heavy and even and his eyes drooped shut. She watched him as he slept peacefully, his faced relaxed and snoring softly. Billie laughed to herself. He must have been extremely tired.

She lightly raked her fingers through his boyish hair, feeling bliss like no other that she had the chance to be with him like this. Sometimes she vaguely wondered if she hadn't gotten pregnant, would she and Brandon have survived their friendship? Would they even be where they were at the moment? Could they still have made it past their odds and become friends again? Could they have made it past friendship and into this?

Or would they have remained something that never quite happened? A regret.

The thought of not being with Brandon made her heart lurch for a moment, and Billie realised with terrifying clarity just how strong her feelings were. How quickly they'd been building. She knew exactly what the feelings were.

"Que...I think I love you." She whispered before promptly blushing, because she's never be able to say that to his face. It was terrifying. "Fuck, that's a lie. I don't think. I know I love you, Brandon. I can't trace the exact moment when I fell in love with you, but here we are. And here I am: head over heels and confessing and you're sleeping."

Brandon continued to snore on, completely oblivious to her confession, and Billie let out a small laugh, snuggling beside him as Jellybean kicked once again.

The front door unlocked and Billie heard Brooklyn trudge in and head towards the back then freeze midway in her path. She peeked over the edge of the couch, staring at Billie with a raised eyebrow.

"You two look comfortable."

Billie smiled. "It actually does feel better on the ground than on the actual bed."

"Alright." She said, lifting her hands up and shaking her head as if to say 'you crazy kids'. "Don't mind me then. Let me just grab some dinner, and I'll give you guys some privacy."

Billie smiled peacefully, really happy with the way things were turning out in life.

Sure, she wasn't even sure she had parents anymore, but she was happy. Actually happy for the first time in a very long time. And she had hope. The future didn't look so bleak anymore. In fact, she welcomed it with open arms. She believed things would turn out great. She had so many people to care for her and take care of her and help her as she continued on with her life.

And she had Brandon and Jellybean.

A family of her own.

Things would turn out well. She was sure of it.


I so did not have to half this chapter but I was so lazy and so this is more of a filler chapter of softness. So enjoy this. Because next chapter, like I said. It's going to get intense.

Everybody please stay safe. I love you all.

Billie and Brandon: Unpredictable CircumstancesWhere stories live. Discover now