Water Wars

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**Starts getting more interesting especially towards the end. 

“ You guys can all go over around 1:00 and swim today after the kid’s swimming lessons ok?” my aunt Amy said, trying to catch my attention. 

“ Ok. Are you wanting Aidrian and I to come to lessons too or no?”

“ Um just for today I’m going to have you guys stay here incase the teacher doesn’t want any extra people around her pool.”

So for two hours my sister and I just sat. Waiting and waiting. We had no idea how to work the TV because there were a thousand different remotes and control boxes. The kid’s computer key board was missing the space bar and half of the other keys so if we chatted we hadtotalkwithoutspaces which was annoying. To fill our time we went outside. We could hear Kyle, Shana, and a few other people outside already in the pool. I was dying to get into the water and hang out with my friends again. Nothing seemed to come soon enough. YES! The car pulled into the garage, Adrian and I were already in our bathing suits and ready to go.

“ Lunch, everyone come eat up,” amy called out. Adrian and I both glanced at each other. All three of us girls shoveled food into our mouths and were still chewing while walking across the road.

Wow it seemed like the whole neighborhood was here. Not really just every kid had their own friend over. Kyle had his friend Ian over, and Shana had Allie over. The two guys were awkward at first, but I will admit so was I. I got handstand contests and flip, Ninja, and swimming races going. All fun, but it didn’t last to long. Younger kids started get out of the pool bit by bit. Eventually there were 6 of us left.

“ Shana lets do a front flip race.”

“ A what?”

“Front flip race. You do as many front flips as fast as you can across the pool. Aidrian, Kate you guys too, Kyle can you tell us when to go?”

“ Sure. On your mark, get set…”


Everything around me started spinning and blurring into a blue mess. I flipped till I felt the slightest bump of the wall.

“ Kienna won! Shana gets second place, and the others are still going…” Kyle announced.

None of us really cared about who won or lost because we were trying not to throw up.

“ Alright we’re gonna race this time. Kate you wanna say when?” Ian and Kyle said

 “Sure, ready.”

“ Wait, wait we gotta get on the wall first.”



“ On  your mark get set go. “

After the first .5 seconds I got elbowed in the neck, kicked in the face, and scratched on my hand. What were we thinking with 8 people all lined up in a tiny space. Ian was probably around 6 feet, and only had to do 3 flips to get across. The rest of us were not so fortunate, we had to do about 5-6. After about three races Shana, Kate, and Adrian all got out. The other racers disappeared somewhere earlier so it was just me, Kyle, and Ian.

“ Guys lets try and make it to 20 races.” I suggested.

“ Alright. Your death your asking for.”

“ Deal.”

Once we all got to race number 7, which means we would have had to have done about 35 flips, we threw up water on the side of the pool.

“ Still want to make it to 20?” asked Kyle.

“ You bet.”

Ian got out around the 17th race because he was getting really sick. So it was just me and Kyle. We continued and got to 50 front flip races.

“ K guys I have 10 more minutes till I gotta leave so lets get a few more in” said Ian.

“ Alright, you feeling up to it Kyle?”

he nodded feeling sick. We got to 56 and Ian left. So far between me and Kyle 54 of the 56 races were ties. I won one and he one the other.

“ Should we make it to 60?”

“ Yeah sure, why not? I've got nothing to lose... unlike you.”

" Oh. I see how it is."

At 58 Kyle said,

“ Alright these last ones are going to be a battle.”

“ If you can even make it past the start line alive.”

“ Its on.”   We had someone else say go to make it fair.

“ GO,” I just thought he would go extra fast on this one. Nope.

Kyle grabbed my arm and leg and pulled me backwards. I started choking on water as I flipped back for air. Then put both of my hands on his shoulders and pushed him under, jumping over him. As I was about a foot away he pulled my shoulders backwards and tried jumping over me. We twisted and jumped for several more minutes till we got tired. Finally I tagged along his back and we touched the other side at the same time.

“ Alright here we go last one.” We both agreed.

“ Ready to lose?”

“ Only if you are.”  

My younger cousin said ready.

By then we were both facing each other flinching at every word my cousin said incase they said go.


Both of us lunged at the other and grabbed each others shoulders. I let go with one hand and tried pushing him under with the free one. As I tried running while fighting backwards he tried jumping to the end. I stopped him and pushed him under. He went under, but only long enough to pull me back under with him. We were both completely under water. 

Thats all it tookTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang