You could say Awkward

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I shot basketball from my money shot, that way I would make it. I glanced over to the two guys walking towards me.

“ Hey,” the older one said smiling.

“Hi.” I walked a little bit and shot another basket, and thankfully made it. I rebounded the shot and looked up into Drew’s eyes.

“ Hi Kienna.” He said smiling. His eyes looked like sparkling stars. I honestly wouldn’t have been able to tell what color they were because they were sparkling so bright. It actually made me jump a little bit.

“ Hey Drew.” I said. They continued walking up to the neighbor’s door, and then went inside. I began breathing normally again. Nothing else happened that night.

 I didn’t see drew for another few days because he was away at some camp. He came back late Saturday afternoon. My grandparents, and Aunt Cheyenne came to visit for the weekend, so I went outside to welcome, and to carry in their bags.

I gave my grandpa and grandma hugs and then they kept walking up to the house. I started walking to give my aunt Cheyenne a hug and then heard a fairly familiar voice yelling from somewhere,

“ KIIIEEENNNAAA.” I jerked around trying to locate where the voice was coming from.  

Finally a waving arm caught my eye and I realized that it was Drew leaning halfway out of his brother’s car pulling into his driveway. Everyone in my family turned to the voice too. I was so caught off guard, all I said was,

“ HII,” back and waved. Afterwards I felt pathetic. Hi? That’s it? Wow, way to make yourself look shy, you could’ve at least said a name in there somewhere, just more than Hi. Lame.

Bailey wanted to shoot some hoops before we went inside for the night. It wasn’t too hard to convince me, because I knew who was outside. Drew and his older brother walked in and out of their house because all of their camping gear was on their front lawn, and they were taking it back inside. Every now and then I glanced over to where Drew was. We made eye contact that made my stomach fly… just a little bit. Why was I so attracted to this guy? I mean all we did was talk briefly, and he only said hi every time he got the chance. That didn’t mean anything though.

Drew’s younger brother Jake came over to play a game of around the world. We had gotten up to about 20 games by now. He and Bailey were the same age, so they got along a little more than nicely.

“ So you met my brother Drew?” Jake randomly asked me.

“ Yeah, I did.” I replied. He turned to whisper something to Bailey. They both snickered and looked at me. I raised my eyebrow and gave them a look that said “ your guilty”.

“ What was that Jake?”

“ Oh nothing.” They both kept laughing.

“ Bailey?”

“ Oh nothing.” More laughing. Why did kids have to be so annoying? If they were going to tease me I was going to tease them.

“ Oh I see. I bet Jake was just telling you how much he loves you.”

“ What?” They both shout at the same time.

“Oh nothing.” I said smiling to myself.

“ Oh yeah? Well what was all of that you were saying about Drew last night? ‘ Oh Drew and I are going to get married someday.’ Mwa mwa mwa.” Bailey said sarcastically blowing kisses. I of course hadn’t said anything even remotely close to that ever about anyone.

“ Oh yeah you know it.” I said rolling my eyes back at them.

“ When were you planning on telling me that we were getting married?” a deeper voice said behind me.  I swiveled around faster than ever to find Drew standing next to me. Bailey and Jake were practically dying from laughter on the driveway.

“Um… I wasn’t but if you wanted me…” I said nervously before Drew cut me off. Crap. I never knew what to say to these kinds of situations.

“Well you know if you ever need a husband I’m here for you” he said giving me a wink and a smile.

“ Oooooh. See they are in love.” Bailey said chantingly.

“ No you silly goose. He’s just kidding.” I said before anything else happened.

“ Oh come on. We’d make such a bodacious couple, and our kids would be totally legit. Everyone would be jealous.” He said. Nice word choices too buddy.

“ Alright, when’s the day. Your call.” I said. Then his mom called both Drew and Jake inside. He never answered me, but instead waved goodbye saying bye Kienna I’ll see you tomorrow at church. Oh yeah church. So romantic…

Around 8:00 I went outside to swing on my aunt and uncle's swing. That’s what I did when I wanted privacy because it was on the side of the house, and no one ever found me there. Except for Drew. I always talked on the phone there, so that night I was talking to my best friend Anna. I was telling her everything that had happened while playing basketball, and about the rest of my vacation. I looked back over towards the basketball hoop replaying everything that had happened when I saw Drew sitting on his front porch next door. I had been there for almost 2 weeks and hadn’t seen him sitting out there ever before. I kept glancing over trying to see what he was doing, but failed every time. Why did my vision suck? I’d have another shot tomorrow to talk to him, and try not to embarrass myself. The sad thing was I was leaving Tuesday, so tomorrow was probably the last time I was going to see him.      

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2011 ⏰

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