Day one Part two:

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Day one Part two:

  Boarding plane. Don’t look at mom. I repeat do not look at mom, or you will both start crying and that would be really embarrassing. Instead, scan the airport for some good-looking guy. What the heck? There’s no one… this is a freaking international airport, and there’s no one? Sooner than I expected I had to give my mom the hug goodbye. I was really dreading this. Don’t get me wrong I love my mom, but I knew as soon as we would make contact I wouldn’t want to let go, because this would be the last hug for awhile. Well we hugged and it was so hard to watch her and my sister hug goodbye for a long time too so I turned away holding back tears. We walked down the aisle and for the last time in person turned before entering the doors of the gate and said bye. Then bam! She was gone from view and so were we. We got in our seats and, ugh I was stuck to a larger guy. Did it suck? You bet. So for 6 ½ hours my arm was asleep in an awkward position. After trying to sleep on top the tray in front of me for a few minutes, I finally gave up and did nothing. Literally nothing.

“Kienna how much longer?” my sister Adrian asked.

“Probably 15 or 20 minutes.”

“ Are you excited?”

“No not at all. I’ve only been talking about coming here for weeks now for absolutely no reason at all.”

“ Oh. Hey is that Las Vegas,” she asked pointing at what happened to be LasVegas.

“ Yup it is. Whoa what are those things, I thought we were in Vegas not Egypt.”

“ Yeah, wait why are there three pyramids there?”

“ If I knew would I have asked?”

“Good point.”

We walked out to meet our uncle Chris and cousins. We all did the required hugging and said stuff like, “ aw look how much you grew, blah, blah,” all that stuff.

“ So you guys what are you guys wanting to see at the strip?”

“Anything, we are just excited to be here so… whatever is fine with us.” I quickly answered.

     So we went to the M&M, Cocoa Cola, and McDonalds place. Then we walked through some of the hotels, which might as well be museums, because they were full of art, and creative structures. In the Venetian, everything was set up to look like it was a Village in Italy. There were shops, and above them the ceiling and walls were painted like the sky. In the middle of the halls was a little river with boats you could ride around the water in.

     On the drive to Saint George Utah, my uncle and I talked and caught up on random facts of life.

“ So we have some cute guys in our neighborhood, but your to young of course to even like guys right?” he asked. I was almost 15 so of course I liked guys. 

Note to self- keep conversations going unless you want to end up on this subject.

“ What do you mean? I mean I like guys but I’m not obsessed over them.”

“ HM. Alright.”

  Driving around and out the window, I had never seen some of the beautiful features of deserts and mountains. I’d seen them in person before but I looked around and saw the new home I would be living in for awhile.

     We pulled into the driveway, and got out of the car. This whole day had been super crazy so now finally getting to our destination helped me breathe again. After Adrian and I said hi to the rest of the family and we all ate dinner, we got settled into our new room.

       My little cousin Olive wanted to play outside so we went out and started doing gymnastics. I was being pretty cautious of not doing something because I didn’t know if there was anyone (anyone meaning a cute guy) who would happen to see me. So I just watched her do her little tricks and stuff. Then she had to pull the big blue eye trick on me to get me to do my front handspring. So I did it, and right as I was standing up to consciousness I looked up and make eye contact with this guy who seemed a year or two older than me. Crap. Why did this always happen to me? I always have THE worst timing when it comes to these things. Wait was that a smile I saw? Either he was a: laughing at my stupidity, or B: he thought something was suddenly funny. I turned as he passed around the corner so I wouldn’t have to smile or say hi. I thought “well at least I won’t have to interact with him ever again.”

My aunt and Uncle of course kept digging on info about guys I liked.

“ So we’ve got like 5 guys in our drive. Have you met any of them yet?” they asked.

“Um well I did see one guy walking but I didn’t get the chance to say hi or anything.”

“ Oh don’t you worry. You’ll meet them. We’ll have a Barbecue and invite them all over. I’ll be like, ‘hey guys come hang out with my hot niece’.”

“ Ha. I’m sure they’d all come running…”

“ No really. They’re probably already expecting a party, and are like ‘Hey so uhh… when we coming over?”

What do you say to that? “ Oh yes! I’ve always wanted a barbecue with tons of guys and my aunt and uncle watching me the whole time. Who wouldn’t right? So instead I said.

“ Alright we’ll see about that.”

Turns out he wasn't too far off. 

- hey if you want, comment on what needs to be improved or changed or whatever. thanks

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