028 | carly dubois

Start from the beginning

"Fred!" George yelled in a panic, throwing off another spell before hurrying to his brother's aid.

"Stop! Arrêtez!" Carly shouted, face pleading as she attempted to intercept the duelling.

"What is the meaning of this?!"

The fighting ceased almost immediately as Professor McGonagall came striding down the hall, Madam Pince clutching her arm with a screwed up expression of fury.

"Professor-" Albany started, panting, but shut up the second the woman's fiery glare turned her direction.

"Duelling in the corridors?! This behaviour is outrageous!" McGonagall chided, face contorted with anger as she stepped between the two groups. She turned her furious gaze on Albany and the twins. "As Hogwarts students - as a champion representing our school, Miss Bronwen - I expected far better of you all."

"Professor - Fred," George pointed out weakly. He had his arm around his brother's shoulders as Fred straightened up reluctantly; his face had swelled up intensely with red welts, though he was still attempting to smile innocently at his head of house.

"Alright - Irma, if you would accompany Mr Weasley to the Hospital Wing, please," McGonagall instructed, and though Madam Pince didn't look at all happy about the idea, she took Fred rather gingerly by the arm to guide him down the corridor; his eyes had been reduced to slits. "You two," McGonagall continued sharply, nodding to Albany and George, "come with me. As for the rest of you, I will be informing your headmistress of this incident, and she can decide what to do with you."

Carly shot the pair a forlorn look as Albany glanced apologetically to her.

"And I suppose this is another one of your wild gadgets?" The Gryffindor Head gestured to the smoky black wall that still stood where Albany had dropped a marble. Her voice was nearly trembling with fury. "Accio."

Yet the shards of marble did not fly into the woman's hand, and the wall did not budge.

"Finite incantatem," she tried, and then attempted another summoning spell, but the wall relented.

George and Albany exchanged glances.

After various other attempts, McGonagall turned on her heel, practically quivering with rage. "With me," she instructed the pair, voice frighteningly calm, and strode off at such a strong pace Albany had to jog to keep up.

"My disappointment in you two is paramount," the emerald-robed witch said as she brought them to her office with haste. "Duelling with our international guests - I never thought I'd have to deal with such a thing. You'll be fortunate if you're not serving detention for the rest of the year."

Albany and George kept their heads bowed as they followed the woman in the door of her office. She whirled around , robes billowing around her, and gestured to the two seats by her desk. They complied silently, and she sat down opposite them, summoning a quill and parchment to her hand.

"Who struck the first blow?" she asked, voice cold.

Albany bit her cheek. "I did, Professor."

McGonagall's grip on her quill was white-knuckled as she began to scratch out a report.

"And no students were injured-"

"Just Fred," George interrupted.

She pursed her lips. "As I was saying, with the exception of Mr Weasley."

"Please, Professor, they were bullying our friend," Albany pleaded, struggling to keep quiet much longer.

McGonagall's writing paused, and she straightened in her seat, stern gaze piercing as it fell upon Albany.

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