Elena sped at Mallory, grabbing ahold of her and before Mallory could shove her off, Jeremy had already stabbed Kol in the heart with the white oak.

"No! Kol!" She cried out, attempting rush toward Kol as she continued to scream for him.

Elena held onto her, holding her back. The only reason she was able to was because Mallory already knew Kol was dead and there was no stopping him from burning. Elena continued to hold a struggling Mallory, who screamed and cried at the sight, her heartbreaking at the sight of Kol erupting into flames. "No! Kol!"

Mallory watched as Kol walked around the room, on fire. Finally, he fell to the ground and Mallory continued to sob at the sight. "What did you do!" She screamed at Jeremy and Elena, who stared at Mallory in shock.

Mallory had lost a lot of people but never once had they seen her react in such a way.

Mallory slowly turned her head and through her tears, she found herself feeling relieved at the sight of Klaus standing in the doorway, tears in his own eyes after witnessing Kol die.

Elena let go of Mallory, she and Jeremy looking alarmed by the sight of Klaus standing there. Now, they had two problems. Klaus and Mallory, the last two people they wanted to be there when they killed Kol. The worst part was...Mallory was already in the house.

Mallory slowly walked over to Kol's burnt body, kneeling before it as Klaus spoke to Elena and Jeremy. "What did you do?" Klaus asked them in a growl.

"We didn't have a choice," Elena complained, acting as though she was the victim in the whole ordeal, "He was trying to cut off Jeremy's arm."

"That's a lie and you know it," Mallory suddenly spoke up, causing the group to turn to her, "How did he get in the house? He hadn't been invited in before! You set a trap for him!"

Elena sighed, turning to Klaus, who seemed to agree with Mallory. "You said you were going to put him down, too."

"I was gonna make him suffer on my terms!" Klaus shouted at the top of his lungs, his eyes filled with fury and hate. He sighed deeply, glancing around, "I'm going to burn this house to the ground, and then when you try to flee for your lives, I'll kill you both without blinking."

"Not if I beat you to it," Mallory muttered under her breath when she suddenly froze, her eyes widening in realization.

As Klaus continued to argue with Elena and Jeremy, Mallory stood up, rushing over to where she dropped her phone. She quickly picked up, beginning to text someone unbeknownst to the group.

"You kill us, you'll never get to the cure," Mallory heard Jeremy comment, earning a loud from the girl, "You'll never be able to make any more hybrids."

"You really think I care for an instant about my bloody hybrids," Klaus snapped at him through his gritted teeth, "I want the cure so I can destroy it. I would've killed you all the second we dug it up, but now I'm just gonna watch you burn instead."

Just then, Klaus yelled out in pain as he fell into a kneel, causing Mallory to look up in shock. She watched as Bonnie entered the house, a cold look on her face.

"Invite him in," Bonnie demanded in a stern tone, earning a confused look from Elena and Jeremy, "Do it."

"Come in," Jeremy spoke up after a moment of hesitation.

Klaus fell through the doorways, dropping onto all fours on the ground. "Living room!" Bonnie shouted in an alarmed tone, "Go!"

Klaus chased after the duo, only to be suddenly stopped by a boundary spell trapping him in the living room. His eyes widened in alarm and he began to bang his fist against the invisible barrier.

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