Chapter Two - Platform 9 & 3/4

Start from the beginning

"Hey Evans. Sorry, didn't mean to crash into you! Here, let me help you up." he says, offering his hand. I look at it suspiciously. Due to the fact that I've been forced to live in Gryffindor Tower with him for the past six years, I've learned to be careful when offers to help me with anything. He chuckles, "Don't worry, Evans. There's nothing in my hand!". I reluctantly take his hand and let him pull me up, realising that I can't stay on the ground forever. "Thanks." I say, and go to walk past him. Much to my annoyance, he begins to walk alongside me. "Hey Evans, congrats on getting Head Girl!" he says, smiling. "Thanks." I reply, a little unsure of what is happening. You see, Potter and I have had about one civil conversation before - us 'talking' usually consists of him asking me out, me glaring and responding with a sarcastic comeback (which are usually brilliant, might I add) and the conversation ending in a minor shouting match. Yep, that sums it up nicely. The only other time that we have had a civil conversation is when he apologized to me after the Snape incident in 5th Year. Funnily enough, that was the one time that he didn't actually do anything wrong!

"I guess I'll see you on the train then!" Potter says, giving me a strange look. What does he mean by 'I'll see you on the train'? We never sit together and besides, I have to sit with the Head Boy for a while and lead a Prefect's meeting. I only nod in response, extremely confused. He hops on to the train and I look around to try and find my girls. That's when something very excited jumps on my back...

"Marlene!" I cry, turning around and hugging my best friend and sister. Marlene McKinnon and I are polar opposites. She's tall, I'm short. She's tan, I'm pale. She doesn't give a shit about rules, I follow them meticulously. She misses at least one class a week, I have a perfect record. But these are just some of the reasons that we are such good friends. We balance each other out perfectly. I make sure that she does ok in exams and doesn't miss too many classes. She encourages me to have more fun and CHILL OUT! She's really pretty and has boys drooling over her. She has incredible blonde, curly hair and a fabulous tan all year round (seriously though - how does she do it?). She has the body of a supermodel and has incredible light hazel - grey eyes. She's also like 5'8 and has these long legs that have boys staring. She has an on - off fling with infamous Marauder Sirius Black and, although she insists that there's no feelings there, I can't help but think that she might have an actual crush on him. To be honest, I ship it. He's a 'Bad Boy' and she's a 'Bad Girl'. They are literally the same person, just opposite genders. My 'Blackinnon' ship is starting to sail!

I look to the right of Marlene once she gets off me and see Alice Prewett. I give her a massive hug! "Ali! How are you?" I say, half - shouting over the noise on the platform. "I'm great! How are you, Lils?" she shouts back. "Fab now I'm here!" I reply. It is impossible to find anyone kinder and more gentle than Alice Prewett. You just know that she'll be a great mum some day (Operation Neville Longbottom is ready to go - Frank Longbottom and Alice are head over heels for each other but both don't think the other likes them. Alice has always wanted to name her first child Neville and Frank would do anything for Alice so me and Mary have been planning this for years). She smiles at me. Alice is really pretty. She has bob length brown hair and big brown eyes. She also has a beautiful smile and incredible style. No one can pull of a hairband quite like Alice Prewett. She's short like me and we're like two peas in a pod. Ali also loves baking and seems really shy, but when you get to know her she NEVER shuts up!

I then get squeezed half to death by the person standing on the other side of Marly. Mary MacDonald makes up our friend group. We've been best friends ever since we sat beside each other at the start of year feast in first year. I was upset that I wasn't in a house with my then - best friend Snape, but they immediately made me feel better and I knew the moment that we started joking around with each other that I would love being in Gryffindor and that we would be friends for life. Mar has chocolate brown skin and incredible hair. And I mean incredible. She has shiny, black hair that flows down to just above her waist. She also has the body of a supermodel and is an average height, about 5'6. Me and Ali are about 5'4 and Marly is 5'8 so Mary fits in perfectly. I squeeze her back and flash her a grin. Mar and I have the same sarcastic humour (once Ali commented that when we get going everyone else starts shitting themselves!).

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