🎶 Chapter 19

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Billie's P.O.V:

"911, what's your emergency?" Then everything seemed to go black.


I heard the operators speak on the end of the phone but I seemed to be parazlyed. (Y/n) was unconscious in my arms and tears were streaming down my face. "Ambulance." I begged. "I need an ambulance." The operator understood and asked me what the emergency was. "It's my wife." I sobbed. "She's collapsed." I said

"Has she been ill recently?"

I stopped, feeling like I was going to be sick, unsure if I could sa the next few words. "She's got cancer." I admitted slowly, still trying to get her to wake up and look at me.

"Okay, an ambulance is on it's way." I was still begging (Y/n) to open her eyes, I couldn't deal with her leaving me, not right now. Within minutes, an ambulance arrived and declared that they were going to have to rush her in. I got into the back of the ambulance with her and watched from the sidelines as paramedics did everything that they could to get her to open her eyes and made sure that they kept her alive.

The entire thing was incredibly surreal, the blue flashing lights, the fast speed of the ambulance and the sound of paramedics talking to each other, in what might as well have been a different language as I didn't understand anything they were saying. When we arrived at the hospital, it felt like really bad de javu. Me and (Y/n) had been there just thirty mintues to an hour earlier and now here I was, running behind Doctors and Nurses as (Y/n) still remained unconscious. Thye put (Y/n) into her own room, and attached all sorts of machines to her.

Out of nowhere, Doctor Thompson appeared and greeted me, looing at (Y/n) as she lay in the bed. "What happened?" She asked, out of breath after running down here after hearing that (Y/n) had been brought in, in an unconscious state. "We'd just got home, she said that she was really tired and she just collasped in my arms."

"Just got home?" Doctor Thompson asked, looking shocked as she looked at the time. 

"We'd just been here. Our eldest daughter has just given birth." 

"Congratulations." She smiled, before looking back at (Y/n). "I'm going to run some tests, if that's alright, and we'll see what's going on." I nodded in agreement as I left the room in need of some air and pulled out my phone. I went to start calling Joey, Piper and Jakob when I heard someone calling my name. I looked up to see Connor stood there, looking incredibly tired. "Billie?" He asked, shocked. "What are you still doing here?" I pointed at the room behind me and he looked into see (Y/n). "Fucking hell." He said, "What happened?"

"She collapsed when we got home." I explained, looking to see Doctor Thompson with (Y/n). "I think she's reaching the end now. I don't think that her body can cope with this anymore." I said, my heart practically breaking in my chest. "How's Amelia?"

"Fast asleep." He said, with a smile. 

"I'll go and visit her soon, tell her what's going on." I replied. "You get back to her, and I'll see you in a bit." Connor bayed me goodbye and left me alone with my phone in my hand and I had the difficult job of ringing all of my children to explain that there Mom was in the hospital and not doing well. 

Each one of them answered with an incredibly sleepy voice. "Hello? Is everything alright?" Tears were streaming down my face. "No." I said, honestly and explained in detail to every single one of them what was going on. "They're running tests but, she's not good." Each one of them said that they would be down to come and see her as soon as they could get there. I could practically hear them jumping out of bed and running around trying to get everything that they would need to get here. 

I sat with my head in my hands aftermaking all hte phone call that I needed too and allowed myself to cry. 'I can't do this.' I told myself as I sat all alone. 'I can't.'  I looked behind me to see that the door to (Y/n)'s room was closed as they were still running tests but all hope of her getting better had drained from me. I knew that I had to admit this could be nearing the end of her life and I had be there every step of the way. I didn't want to be scared; I wanted her to be comfortable and happy in her final moments.

My head remained in my hands as I heard the sound of footsteps running up the corridor towards me. "Dad?" I looked up to see Amelia out of breath. "How is she?"

"You should be resting, you've just had a baby." I told her, avoding the question. 

"I need to see her. I need to know that she's okay." She said, shakily. "Connor told me that he'd seen you." Billie looked at her, unsure what to say. "I can read that man like a book, and I knew that something was wrong, so I made him tell me." Amelia looked towards the closed door. "What happened?"

I ran my fingers through my hair and rubbed my tired eyes. "We got home and she just collasped." Amelia's hand quickly moved towards her mouth as she broke down in a sob. 

"This is my fault." She sobbed, as I pulled her into a hug. 

"This is not your fault." I said, trying to reassure and stay as strong as I could, not just for my own dignity, but for Amelia. 

"If she hadn't have been there with me when I was having the baby then this wouldn't have happened." She said and I just simply shook my head. 

"This was inevitable." I told her as she looked at me. "Her treatment hasn't been showing any signs of her getting better and when she was told that she wouldn't have long to live, she told her Doctor that she was going to love long enough to see you have a baby. She's done what she wanted." Amelia went to speak, but (Y/n) door opened to reveal her lying in bed and awake. Doctor Thompson emerged and Amelia walked towards her. "How is she? Is she going to be okay?" Doctor Thompson looked at me to ask who this woman was. "This is Amelia. Our eldest daugther." I said. "Whatever you need to say, you can say to both of us." 

Doctor Thompson looked very uncomfortable; it was hard enough to give news like this to one person, let alone two. "There's no easy way to say this, but the cancer has spread to her brain."

"What does this mean?" Amelia asked as she held onto me. 

"It means that your Mom hasn't got very left. A few weeks at most." Amelia broke down in a sob as tears rolled down my face. Doctor Thompson apologised over and over again before telling us that we could go in and see her. She left us as Amelia ran into the room and hugged (Y/n). "Hello darling." (Y/n) said weakly, but still smiling. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you that things were getting worse, I was just deteremined to see you have a baby." Amelia smiled as (Y/n) wiped away a tear. "How is the baby?"

"She's absoloutely fine." Amelia smiled as she thought about her baby, but it broke her heart to know that her daughter was never going to get to know (Y/n) the way she would have liked.  "Have you got a name for her?" (Y/n) asked hopefully. 

"We have." Amelia said, taking (Y/n)'s hand as I stood on the opposite side of her. "We've decided to call her (Y/n) Armstrong-Winton." (Y/n)'s smile was wide as she started crying. We were all crying as I looked up to see Joey, Jakob an Piper in the doorway, wide-eyed at the sight of their mother and they all realised what this meant; it was time to start saying their final goodbyes. 

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