Revenge (part 2)

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Blaze rod's POV

hey watch where you're going asshole! I say to the person I just ran into

hoa there buddy no need for foal language. He says to me helping me up

Im not you're buddy so don’t call me that who do you think you are?

Well, im sonic the hedgeho-
I know who you are goddammit it was a rhetorical question. I cut him off

Hey are you okay?

Yeah I'm just a little sick. Hey is everything spinning or is it*faints*


Sonic's POV

Hey are you okay?

Yeah I'm just a little sick. Hey is everything spinning or is it

He says before fainting

Should i take him to tails Maybe he'll know what to do. I say panicked

At tails lab

Will he be ok. I ask nervously

He'll be fine his vitals are normal. It's just that he's radiating whole lot of unstable energy in his body that if kept uncheck could explode. Tails informs me

Should he be glowing like that tails!? I ask worried

*Alarms* Warning Warning energy levels rising overload at 75%

Wait what? I ask
He is going to explode sonic. Tails says
Yeah I got that part but you have an alarm for this?! I ask again

You don't? Tails asked back

NO! I yelled

just then the orange hedgehog woke up

*Computer* powering Down alarm

Where am I. He asked

You're in my lab. tails said

I need to find shadow! He yells angrily
Wait why? I ask
but the orange hedgehog just runs off

Well that was weird. I say

Indeed. Tails replies

Blaze rod the hedgehog [BROTHER OF SHADOW]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora