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Blaze Rod's POV

i cant belive this whole thing was because of some dumb misunderstanding. I say to myself while walking down the street

Now that I think about it it's kinda silly. I say cracking a small grin
All the years I thought he didn't care that he left me to die. I say starting to tear up

We were brothers how could I ever think he would betray me like that without reason. I ask myself


Shadow: hey brother how's it going

BlazeRod: I'm fine just locked in a chamber because I'm a walking talking bomb

Shadow: You may be a bomb but you're still my brother and Maria's friend you got that

BlazeRod: Yeah bro

Maria: hey what going on here

Shadow: Just talking with BlazeRod

Maria: you know even if one of us is locked in a chamber well always be friends NO more than that we're family


I miss her a lot but it time to move on start a new life try new things make new friends and be.... happy. I say before walking away of to new adventure


Blaze rod the hedgehog [BROTHER OF SHADOW]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora