intelligence (part 1)

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Who could that be. I say to myself as I open the door to see the orange hedgehog from yesterday
Hey let me in. He says as he barges past me

Um excuse me you can't just walk in here like you own the place let alone know me! I say angry
Right sorry I just needed a place to stay the night and you happen to be the closest house to me so. He tells me with a small smile on his face

Ok fine you can sleep on the couch but if you're going to be here at least tell me you name. I tell him

Oh right I forgot to tell you guys I'm BlazeRod Shadow younger brother by one year. He say

Oh, Well you know him right? Why can't you stay at his place. I ask

Don't know where he lives and also we are not on good terms right now so um I'll lay down and you can get back to work doing what you were doing. He says laying down on the couch

Time skip 1 hour
BlazeRod's POV

Looks like the fox fell asleep. I say getting up from the couch

Hey what's this, TimeSpace tech according too his notes he hasn't been able to figure it out yet can't be that hard let's get to work I'm bored anyway

3 hours later

*Yawn* did I fall asleep. The fox asks
Yeah I finished your thing for you. I tell him

You what? He ask confused

I finished your spacetime thing it wasn't that hard it just needed to be rewired a few  new parts and the right energy boost which I gave to it with my chaos energy, not 100% sure if it will work though. I tell him

What that's amazing I've been spending days trying to figure it out and you did in a few hours. He says

I know I'm a lot smarter than I act sometimes. I Say

Can you help me with some other stuff. He ask me

Sure. I replied
I'm tails by the way. Tails tells me before leading me to his garage

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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