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It was a very very bewtiful day with dust and some insects flying around. Ryan was very bored so he scrolled through youtube and found videos of his friend, jojospotlight make videos about Oli London.

Oli London was his ex but he didn't revels it to the public. Oli and jojo seemed to have a pretty shitty-
I mean crappy past relationship. Ryan being the innocent fluff ball he is, wanted them to make up. So, Ryan went ahead and dm'd his friend. He texted Jojo that he wanted to do a prank where Jojo will pretend to be a fangirl and later revels his face. Jojo was excited about this plan do he agreed. After setting up the cameras, both Jojo and Ryan prepared themselves.


After Ryan's interview with oli, he welcomed oli's fan. Oli London was very happy and made a cringy heart shape with his plastic hands. Not even a minute later the, oli started to realize something.. It wasnt a fangirl, it was Jojo. His ex and enemy. He immediately left the call. Ryan was kind of worried and felt a bit bad. He apologized to Jojo and they both did not expect oli to be this smart. He thought that plastics didn't have a brain. Ryan apologized to oli and the video ended.

After the video ended, Jojo asked Ryan if he wanted to come over. They both were in Korea so they could visit each other. Their houses were not that far plus Ryan wasn't busy so he agreed. Ryan wore a bit big shirt and a trouser. He took his phone and walked towards the direction of Jojo's house. After a bit of walking, he finally reached Jojo's house and knocked on the door.

They exchanged smiles and went inside the house. Jojo asked if he wanted something to eat. Ryan was a bit hungry so he said sure.

Jojo didn't really have much food. Just some ramen, kookies, tea, sugar and chocolates. He forgot to go to groceries.

Clichè scenes are knocking at your door.

Ryan chose cookies since he was not in the mood for spicy stuff. Jojo nodded and gave him cookies with milk tae and suga. Jojo also ate some. After the eating stuff, they both wanted to game or watch movies. They held a meeting and decided that they would watch a movie first. Since they had a good time and stuff, Jojo decided to put a horror movie for fun. He put Annabelle and they both relaxed on the couch. Between the movie they both glanced at each other for their reaction. Ryan wasn't really scared but Jojo screamed like a girl. When Ryan did get scared he would cover his face with his bewtiful fingers-
(I swear I don't have a hand fetish)

It was a very cute sight for Jojo to see. After the movie finished Jojo burst out laughing at Jojo's screams from the whole movie. They both had a good laugh and decided to play games. They went upstairs to Jojo's room. It was non-suprisingly dirty.

It was beginning to be dark so Ryan waved goodbye to his friend and went back home with his feet. While Jojo was still dieing from Ryan's cuteness.

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