Chapter 4

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As emme left out of the house she seen Jose and she hugged him and they smiled at each other

Emme: hi bby I missed you

Jose: hay I missed you too ,so did they see you come out ?

Emme:no, i don't things they care so let's go have some fun

Ella POV

I had just followed the girl (Mya) she followed me back she was so cute but I don't think she's into girls like I am but we will see ,let me go and text her

Ella: hi 👋🏼

After about an 40 minute passed by and Mya still has not texted Ella into

Mya:oh..umm hay Ella

After Ella seen her text back she kind of got happy

Ella:how are you mya

Mya:I'm fine thanks for asking

Ella:yea no problem,so are you ready for this year of school? Are you still coming back to Central high school..

Mya:yea I'm excited and yea I'm coming back are you ?

Ella:yea ofc I am here

After the talking on the phone for awhile and talking about everything and anything

Ella: so let me give you my number so we could ft yk

Mya:okay that's fine

"Call ended "

And now Ella is going to sleep because she has a lot to do tomorrow morning

Jennifer POV
I was so mad at Alex because if everything he do to this dam family and he had the right to tell me I'm in the wrong.fuck no and fuck him I don't ever know why I'm still with that asshole ugh let me go see is emme asleep yet

As Jen walked to emme room she don't see her in her bed so she go in

Jennifer:emme ? Bby are you sleeping..

Umm this weird she's not in here she's probably with Natasha because they are sometimes always up late as hell

Jennifer:hay Natasha has you seen Emme she's not in her room ?

Right as Jennifer said something about meme Natasha starts to get scary and nervous in her facets Jen know something was up with this

Natasha:nope I have not see her

Jennifer:are you lying? Because your face tells me you know something I don't know huh

Natasha: i don't know where she is okay

Jennifer: Natasha..


Jennifer: Just Tell me where your sister is

As Jen said that Natasha told her everything she knows

Natasha: she is out with her boyfriend Jose I see her sacking out of the house



Jen got really loud and she was scaring Natasha


Jennifer made Natasha cry  and I think everyone else in the house heard them so they came to Natasha

Alex: wtf is going on here..

Ella:yea because I'm trying to sleep

Jennifer: Natasha let emme go out with some boy and she didn't tell me

Everybody was just so shocked and confused

Alex: Natasha!!! How could you do this .. what if something happened to her then what Natasha

Natasha: i know.. and I'm sorry I didn't tell anybody and let her go with Jose-

Jennifer: Jose??... oh hell naw

Natasha: huh?

Jennifer: Jose is not the type of guy that I want emme been with right now

Alex: what do you mean ?

Jennifer: he's bad new and I'm calling the police RIGHT NOW!!

Natasha:mom no please don't ..

Jennifer: what do you mean no please

Natasha:can we just call her and tell her to come home mom

Jennifer:fine we can and you are calling her right now Natasha,. And help me so god I'm mad at you

Natasha: I understand

As Natasha is calling emme phone


me and Jose is making out in he's car right now and Natasha is calling me and I don't know what she wants

Emme: mmm. Jose I need to answer this it's my sister

Jose: okay find but hurry up

Emme put up the phone and all hell breaks lose

Emme: hay Natasha, what do you want ?

Natasha: emme you need to come home now

Emme: why ?

Then Jennifer took the phone out of Natasha hand

Jennifer: I know everything emme out with some boy at fucking 2 am WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU EMME


Jennifer:don't mom me I'm so mad at you right now and if you don't think I don't know about your little boyfriend Jose well I do and I swear to god if you are not here in 10 minute I'm calling the police on him

Emme:okay I'm coming I promise don't do all that

Jennifer:emme- ugh just come home because I have had enough

Emme: yes mama I'm on my way

As emme hang up the phone she knows she was in a big ass messy right now

Emme: Jose we have to go now !

Jose: babe what's wrong? You okay

Emme: we just have to go home my mom wants me there now

Jose: emme babe if you don't wanna go with don't have to

Emme: Jose!! This is not a game .. take me home now I'm not playing

Jose:okay god

The whole car ride was crazy and quite they really didn't say much to each other after all that ..all emme could think of is how many big of a messy this is and what she got when she gets home is not going to be cute

OMG thank you guys so much for all the ones who are keep reading this book ♥️ and to everyone who wants me to keep going..sorry it took so long for me to update because I'm really sorry for that guys. But I love you guys so for everything 🥺 I love you guys more 🥰

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