Chapter 48: Party

Start from the beginning

Charlie landed on Lori's window, which is somehow closed, it was open awhile ago, they placed the letter aside and took a peeked inside. Charlie saw Lori pressed against the wall by her father, who seemed to be forcing her to drink a cup.

Mr.C: Just drink it, you bitch!

Lori: No! Let go of me!

The bird was shocked(?) and tried to fly through the thick glass, which unfortunately didn't work no matter how hard they fly, once they peeked back in the man was leaving the room with an empty cup and Lori curled up into a ball, the bird tapped the window which caught the girls attention, she got up and opened the window.

Lori: H-Hey...

Charlie let out a tweet and flew up to her shoulder, nuzzling into her neck hoping that the girl would feel better.

Lori: Charlie, you should g-go home, I won't b-be acting like this s-soon..

Lori placed the bird outside before closing her window, a few seconds had passed by and she's already having a headache, tumbling some stuff off the shelves and she forced her self down, slowly losing herself.

. . .

She picked up her phone, dialing a certain number and listening to it as it dials, until they picked up.

[Lori]: Knollys.

[Lettice]: Heyy Lori- whatcha want?

[Lori]: Is your house free tonight?

[Lettice]: Uhm fyi, it's a mansion, and yeah, I could.. make adjustments, why though?

[Lori]: I want you to invite some of our classmates, include the losers as well.

[Lettice]: I question the losers part.. Ooh, I see. Will do, babe-

[Lori]: I'll see you.

[Lettice]: Byeeee~

After Lori hanged up, her phone began buzzing with notifications from the group chat that seems to exist- it was Lettice letting the chat know that there was a party coming up tonight, she threw it to her bed and almost jumped when she saw Charlie, still sat on her window, with a letter in their beak.

Lori: The fuck- why is there a bird at my window..?

She went over and blocked the window with the curtains and started getting ready.


Lettice twirled around her room, looking for a dress in her tripled wardrobe- But then she had an idea, she quickly grabbed her phone and typed in the name, sending an invitation to them before laughing and went back to her wardrobe.


Lizzie was frantically looking out her window, Charlie hasn't returned for almost half an hour and the girl was panicking.

Liz: Maryy- Charlie hasn't returned yet!

Mary: Charlie who?-

Liz: I- the- The bird-

Mary: Maybe they stopped to take a loo... Birds do that right?

Liz: ...You've inhaled too much steroids Mary.. Just go to sleep.

Mary: Suuree, mum-

Mary dropped her head back down to the pillow as Liz began looking around again, this time she saw Charlie flying back in the distance, she sighed out in relief and went back down to the desk.

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