Chapter 46

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| Savanna |

I couldn't sit in this hallway crying my way through the pain I was feeling in my body and thinking about what role Kait played in this entire ordeal. I pulled my body up, sucking in deeply to ignore the pain in my abdomen as I pressed my body against the lockers. I balanced myself properly so that I wasn't applying complete pressure on the ankle that I had twisted. I looked down the hallway, seeing the exit in sight and with a final deep breath, I limped towards it. I just hoped my friends were okay, Lexi probably was so confused and most likely wouldn't take this with a pinch of salt as I hoped she would. If only I could get Damon Salvatore here to compel her from speaking the truth, wouldn't that be so much more easier than to explain what just happened?

As I reached the door, I felt a hand on my shoulder making me flinch as I imagined it to be one of Samuel's men; or Samuel himself, coming back for me. I turned my head realising Kaitlyn was stood next to me, panic in her face as she looked at me.

"Oh thank god you're okay!" She said, relief in her voice as she pulled me in to her embrace. I couldn't hug back, I was so confused as to what she was doing here, the words of Samuel playing in my mind at the sight of her. I also was in pain so the fact that she was squeezing me, didn't really help with the whole 'hugging back' moment.

"Crap, sorry!" She let go of me as I held on to my hip, trying to not wince in pain- I hated having people worry about me.

"What- what are you doing here Kait?" I asked, looking in to her eyes as they showed nothing but guilt.

"I messed up, and I know you'll hate me when I explain but just please remember that we are best friends okay? Please" She pleaded.

I didn't know what to say, I felt anger and frustration that she was anyway involved in Samuel and his obvious cruel plans but most of all, I felt disbelief that my best friend accessorised a plan that could hurt not only me, but two other girls who had nothing to do with it.

"I just... I just need to get out of here, I think I sprained my ankle," I paused as I looked down at it, my skin turning bruised by the second. "Did they do this to you?" She asked as she looked at my ankle and the rest of my body; my injuries weren't visible apart from the bruised ankle. I had fallen on my back so there were bound to be bruises from the way it was throbbing and I had an ache in my entire body from being pushed against the lockers so harshly by a much bigger person. Therefore, she didn't know exactly what injuries I had sustained and I wanted to keep it that way. Because my only concern was finding my friends.

"Never mind that, have you seen Mari and Lexi?" I asked.

She looked at me with confusion, "What?"

"Mari and Lex, I was practicing with them out on the field when Samuel showed up, we got separated... I would have thought you had seen them by now." I continued, worry filling me as I realised she was getting even more confused by my words.

"They weren't supposed to be here..." She whispered, mostly to herself.

"We have to find them-" as I turned to leave, she pulled me back shaking her head. "Jason is almost here, I called him and told him the mistake I had made and he is on his way to catch Samuel. Are they still here?"

I looked at her blankly, this didn't even sound like the Kaitlyn I called my best friend.

"They left just before you showed up. Wh-why are you so worried about catching Samuel when we have no idea if our friends are okay!" I raised my voice, looking at her in disbelief.

"I'm sorry Sav, I just don't know what to do-" I cut her off, stepping back from her. "I'm going to find the girls," As I stepped back and turned around, the door opened, slamming right in my face and the hit to my head made me stumble back. Could this get any worse? I felt Kait catch me as I held on to my head, focusing my vision at the girl stood in a cheer outfit, looking at me with worry now.

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