Chapter 20

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| Savanna |

I sat quietly as we drove home; Daniel was driving us back as he was the one who brought me here after begging him to. The piece of jewellery remained in my hands as I looked down at it, feeling tears every time I saw it.

"Sav... Please don't be sad, I know how much it meant to you" Mari said to me wiping the tears from my face.

"It was the only thing I had left of my mom," I whispered, my voice breaking as I looked up at her. "If I ever see those bitches again I'm gonna-" As Kaitlyn began, Hanna quick cut her off.

"Stop Kait, it's no use" She said, it just reminded me of the girls who were half naked in Jason's place, not even a day after he had been with me.

I felt sick to my stomach thinking about it.

"I'm sorry... I ruined so much" I said with sadness. Today was our last day anyway but we still wanted it to be meaningful, it was just filled with sadness and me bringing everybody in to such drama. Such unnecessary drama.

"You haven't ruined anything Sav, we had the best time away, this doesn't change that" Mari continued making me smile, nodding in agreement because it was true, I was so happy up until now being with my best friends and just partying.

"And I got to see you again, you ain't ruin nothing babe" Daniel ended as he drove. We all laughed as I shook my head, he winked at me through the rear view mirror as I stuffed the anklet in to my pocket.

We got back to the penthouse and we had to clean up quickly because we didn't have much time until our flight. Daniel offered to take us back to the airport which was kind of him and in all honesty, I could tell he just felt bad for me. I packed away my clothes, picking up the pictures that we printed using my Polaroid camera, smiling as I went through them. They were mostly at the yacht party because that was the only time we really took it out but my favourite ones where the ones taken at home, we wore pyjamas, our hair was a mess and we had ice cream tubs everywhere. The best kind of way to hang out with your best friends.

"We are so cute" Hanna smiled as she joined me coming out of the bathroom with a bunch of our stuff.

"I know, look at this one" I said turning one around to show her. It was a picture of her and I kissing on the lips and you could see Kait in the back with her tongue out, clearly cheering us on making me laugh because that was just Kait perfectly summed up in one picture. Wild.

"Girl you know Imma be your number one fan, wanna get married?" She asked grinning as she folded her clothes away in to her case.

"At this rate, I think we should get married to me, if you don't find anyone else" I laughed shaking my head as I put all the pictures together. "Shutup, you are going to find somebody before all of us. Remember, we all called that you were going to get married and have kids before ALL of us because you're that much of a hit with the boys" She winked.

I looked at her with a raised brow, "Are you sure about that? My track record is failing me" I replied. It was all fun now when i has just got done crying an hour ago.

"Two boys doesn't mean anything Sav. I don't wanna hear nothing about you not being pretty enough okay? You get more attention than all of us put together. Shut up, for real." She ended. I slowly nodded, although I didn't believe her words, I nodded to make sure she didn't get mad at me. And quite frankly, I was done with talking about what happened, I was done with boys and feeling sorry for myself.

I packed my things away and one by one, we put our suitcases in the living room where two guards who worked in the building took them and down to Daniels car. I looked back at the place, this was probably the last time I was going to be visiting Vegas because of the obvious reasons and since this place was my moms, I wanted to make sure I left it in perfect condition.

"I think you should take this, you guys look beautiful" Mari said as she handed me a small picture. I looked at it to see a picture of me and my mom. I was wearing my cheerleading costume from High School because I did cheer in school too; I signed up because my mom really wanted me as she too was a cheerleader. I became captain of the cheer squad in junior year and it was my first day as leader so my mom attended the first game that I was cheer caption as and we took this game on the field after the game of course. It made me happy because my mom was so proud of me, she was so supportive of every decision I made and even in my mistakes, she was there to make them right, to tell me it was okay.

Which meant, I had to let this mistake go because my mom would have wanted that.

I stuffed the photo in my pocket of my sweats before I closed the door behind me once all the girls left. I locked it behind my before I took the keys and put them in my tote, before we went to the elevator and eventually left the building.

We arrived at the airport and the weather was a lot more colder than it was when we arrived, almost as if it was telling us girls, it's time to leave. We boarded our plane and eventually took our seats, I managed to get the window seat which was very much made for me because I was ready to stare out of it and act like I was in a freaking music video. As I closed my eyes and felt the plane leave the ground, we left Vegas.

And I left behind the horrible events with it. I left behind Jason McCann.

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