Chapter 50

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| Jason |

The driveway was clear, the gates were closed and the lights inside of the house were little to none. I wondered if she was even at home, if something had happened and she didn't even make it inside. This was the first and only night I hadn't waited until she closed the door behind her and disappeared inside, the first night I hadn't sat in my car after she had left and waited for her room light to turn on, lighting up the entire balcony connected to her bedroom at the front. Every time I dropped her home I had to make sure she was safe and sound and this was the only night I hadn't, I was too eager to go after Samuel to wait.

I punched in the passcode to the gate, I knew it now because Savanna told me in case of an emergency and this definitely was that. I ran up the driveway, unsure where to start because as soon as I noticed the door was unlocked, panic ran through me. It was late, her father was not home, her not locking the door was very much out of the ordinary.

All of the anger and the rage Samuel he caused me left my body as I opened the door, it was a feeling I rarely ever felt, it was a feeling of worry. I worried for her safety, I worried that she wasn't here, I worried that she was in pain. The constant calls and hearing of a full voicemail box increased the fear of losing her, because in all honesty, I had never been put in a situation like this. The only people I had showed love and care for were my boys, but they knew how to protect themselves so I never worried for their safety, I knew they could handle themselves. But now, I had Savanna who didn't know the first thing about protecting herself. I thought if I cut her off, if I let the world know I didn't fuck with anybody anymore, things would go back to normal. I'd wake up the next day and be the criminal that I am, and handle business the way I do on a daily. But once you bring somebody in to the game, you ain't ever escaping that shit.

I felt an uneasy feeling in my body as I held down the door handle, slowly opening it but suddenly stopping in my tracks. I heard the sound of engines revving, disappearing almost instantly as the sound of tyres skidding was heard from a nearby street. I turned my head to look for anybody, but there was no sign of anyone, just the distant revving of engines.

Whoever had been here knew I was here now.

I quickly came to the realisation that that meant Samuels crew had been here, whether that meant they had found her or not, I was not going to risk it. I quickly opened the front door, everything was dim but it was almost impossible to ignore the grunting and growling that belonged to a male. I looked straight ahead, my heart falling to the pit of my stomach as I saw a man crouched on top of a limp exposed body.

Blood pooled around here body, I could see from here it was coming from her head but at quick glance, I was struggling to see if her eyes were open or not.

I wasted no time in pulling out my gun as he began to pull down his pants, leaving her in her undergarments as he prepared himself to rape her. Before he could even comprehend my arrival, I shot 4 bullets in to his chest, they hit him as he instantly fell towards, right on to Savanna's already limp body but I didn't hear any noise from her, not even a wince in pain.

I rushed over, it was like everything was in slow motion, like I wasn't getting to her fast enough or something. I ripped his dead body from on top of her before throwing it to the side, blood covered her stomach and legs as she laid still in her undergarments.

"Fuck no, Savanna, open your eyes, come on, I'm right fucking here Savanna. Open your eyes" I could feel this pressure against my eyes as I was overcome with the most horrifying emotion. I felt broken seeing her like this, it was hard to explain an emotion you had never truly felt before.

I watched as her eyes struggled to open, she wanted me to know that she was alive and fighting. Her head continued to bleed from behind, I wasn't aware of what happened and how she was bleeding so badly but my guess was she had fallen from the stairs since she was lying flat on her back directly by the staircase.

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