Everytime we Touch

Start from the beginning

Pucci's face of Fright at the sight of the Pillarman couldn't be put to words

(Just Imagine that Scene from OPM where Boros Looms over Saitama before kicking him... Except.... Y'know actually effective...)

EDIT: eventually I did just doodle it myself

EDIT: eventually I did just doodle it myself

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now... Kars COULD just take a swing at his neck and snap it like a twig

but Instead he has a Plan

it's still day... so a Zombie would be Useless...

but the body itself?

anything can be a Blunt weapon

He unstraps The Body bag and Slaps Pucci across the face with it

as Pucci Recoils Kars releases the bag and summons Drive in an attempt to Possess his stand and turn it against him

but the Stand Blocks Kars's arm Striking him in the face as Pucci Recovers Calling out


the Stand Punches Kars in the Chest

with those Words Kars feels his Body be Surrounded by Force

his Body Begins to Collapse on itself in a Blood mess

as his Body is Crumpled like a Cringy Doodle he manages to hook himself on a Building

he falls unconsious

as he finishes Regenerating and awakes Gravity has been restored

Kars gets up, Finds the Body bag and Continues to search for Jolyne

he's sure he's found her

but in an instant "ORA!" Kars's Jaw is dislocated and he is sent Flying

"Dad! What the Hell?!" Jolyne expresses

"When I woke up Joseph informed me he attacked the facility I was held in, he may not be the same Kars you Know... and considering a Broken Jaw is like a Scrape to the knee to Kars. He'll be fine if he's still on our side..." Jotaro Kujo Responds

Kars Holds up a Thumbs up as he Resets his jaw

Kars:"Yeah, had a Whole "Mid-Life Crisis"..... despite not have a Mid-Life. got my old Memories, still a Cool dude."

Jotaro:"Yare Yare... anyway, we're Looking for Pucci Right now..."

Kars:"Hmm... I'd Track him but.... my Nose is still Regenerating from being Crushed under my own weight, so I'll just help look."

he Slings the body bag over his Shoulder

"Um... Kars? what's that?" Jolyne asks

"Smells like Death." Anasui adds

"Oh This?" Kars responds Opening the bag revealing the bruised and beaten Cadaver of Weather

"Kars? what the Actual Fuck?" Jolyne asks

Kars:"I thought he'd be useful if we need a Zombie?"

"No! Leave his Body alone!" Jolyne Yells

the Pillarman zips up the Bag and Drops it on the floor sadly

Kars Helps with the search

as they do him and Anasui Talk about What They're gonna do after this is all taken care of

Kars:"After all this is over I might head up to Canada, I'm interested in checking out Tinkertown."

Anasui:"Nice, I'm going to get Mr. Kujo's Blessing to Marry Jolyne...."

Kars:"Actually.... It's Dr. Kujo, he's a marine Biologist..."

Anasui:"Really? I wouldn't Figure him for the academic Type. Hey... Kars... Sorry about our First meeting... I-I just want to bury the Hatchet with anyone close to Jolyne, Before I marry her that is..."

Jotaro looks over and gives Kars a look that says "If he tries anything, I'll Kill him... you Hide the Body..."

eventually Kars's Sense of smell does come back

but it is Far too late

the last Thing he hears before the ensuing Slaughter being "『MADE IN HEAVEN』"

The World around them begins to spin

Before Kars can React He is Cleaved in two by a Blinding Flash

'Ight... here we are... end of the Road, I couldn't Think of a specific Ending for this story so I decided to do 3. but I'm Gonna give you all a choice.... you can vote for how I release them

A. Release them all together so people can Choose what Ending they want to try first

B. Release them as I Finish them

C. Stop Making Polls and go Work on your other Stories.... I know where you live, I'm going to go Gangster On Your Canadian Ass!

If you don't want the Subject of each ending don't read the Comment on this line cuz I'll reveal the Order and names of each Ending, but if you want to wait for a specific one look and decide....

might just do A anyway, but I'll make a deal... if I have at least one done by the end of next week I'll release it

the Kars EffectWhere stories live. Discover now