He was wrong.

Alex was a decent fighter. She gave Sara a run for her money, being able to block or dodge most of the attacks the assassin and Kendra sent her way. The woman was insanely flexible too. But in the end she was out numbered and out matched. Dez used her abilities to turn her weapons into sand, meanwhile Sara and Kendra pinned her down. The fact that Alex and Kara's mother showed up just in the nick of time to save her daughter with a little hope speech of her own was a coincidence. (It only furthered the idea that this speech thing would work.)

It wasn't long before Supergirl was sitting behind the desk, cameras on her, and they were broadcasting to the whole city. As Ray and Martin continued hacking Lord's satellites on the other side of the pane of glass, Supergirl stared in to the cameras, head held high. "People of National City. This is Supergirl, and I hope you can hear me. We have been attacked. Mothers and fathers, friends and neighbors, children, everyone, suddenly stopped by a force of evil as great as this world has ever known. Your attacker has sought to take your free will, your individuality, your spirit. Everything that makes you who you are.

"When facing an attack like this, it's easy to feel hopeless. We retreat, we lose our strength, lose our self. I know. I lost everything when I was young." Her eyes got a tinge of emotion here, and her voice wavered slightly, but she kept pushing through, strong as ever. "When I first landed on this planet, I was sad and alone. But I found out that there is so much love in this world out there for the taking, and you, the people of National City, you helped me."

On the other side of the glass Ray jumped excitedly. "We've almost got it! Keep going, it's working!"

Supergirl did just that, more determined than ever now. She was going to get back her home, save her people. She would not fail them this time. "You let me be who I'm meant to be. You gave me back to myself. You made me stronger than I ever thought possible, and I love you for that. Now, in each and every one of you, there is a light, a spirit, that cannot be snuffed out. That won't give up. I need your help again. I need you to hope."

"We got it!!" Martin and Ray hit the last button on the computer, breaking through the last bit of coding. The signal was broken; the people of National City were saved.  Supergirl kept going just for good measure. "Hope. That you will remember that you can all be heroes. Hope. That when faced with an enemy determined to destroy your spirit, you will fight back and thrive. Hope. That those who once may have shunned you will, in a moment of crisis, come to your aid. Hope. That you will see again the faces of those you love and perhaps even those you have lost."

Outside, the zombified crowd slowly started coming to; one by one they stopped marching. They turned around, running for their loved ones. They were free again.

The Legends stayed another few days to make repairs to the ship. In that time Kara and Alex reunited with their friends and mother; Alex even confessed to Eliza, their mother, that their father, Jeremiah, was alive. Apparently there was all this drama in which they'd thought he'd been killed ages ago by a green martian named J'onn J'onzz. Evidently, he was actually innocent and it was all Hank Henshaw's doing, who J'onn, incidentally, had been pretending to be all these years. Martians could, apparently shape shift, which Deserey thought was pretty neat. (Dez's reaction to learning of the existence of martians was: "hot damn, I just me a martian! My horoscope was right!")

Alex was pretty cool. They met officially when Kara insisted the Legends join her and her friends for a celebration party at her apartment. She was a bit sore after her fight with the League of Hotties, but otherwise she was perfectly okay, if not mildly annoyed at Kara's mothering.

"I guess I should apologize for clocking you on the head," Sara said, recalling one incident during the fight.

Alex waved the thought away carelessly. Her auburn hair was cut in a short pixie cut, brushed over to the side; her eyes radiated with pride, and strength, and sisterly love. She was ripped too. The Sara Lance of Earth 38 Deserey thought. "Bygones." She smiled at the three of them. "Thank you for helping my sister."

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