GiriPan - Adopting a Cat

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           Apologies in advanced for being so late! I have a new editor, and he’s pushing me to work on my stories. So, one chapter per story every week! Yay! Anyways, enjoy a fluffy Giripan!

        The world meeting had just ended and Japan walked out right after Germany. He was hoping someone would have notice his birthday was a week ago. No one noticed, not even Italy. He was feeling rather down about the whole situation. Greece and Turkey, his so called ‘friends’, didn’t even seem to notice he was feeling down. He walked out of the building and to his car. Before he could make it to the car, he bumped into someone, losing a few papers in the wind.

            “I’m sorry Japan,” a smooth, monotone voice said. Japan looked up, only to be met with piercing green eyes. “Are you okay?” Japan caught a few of the papers flying around and organized them back into the files.

            “Yes, I am fine. Now if you’rr excuse me,” Japan mumbled under his breath. He reached for the handle of his car door before a tan hand grabbed his pale one. Japan became flustered and looked back up to Greece. “What are you doing?”

            Greece sighed and took the files out of Japan’s hands, stuffing them into his satchel. He then began to drag Japan along, heading for the main street. “You are coming with me, I need a new cat,” he replied in his increasingly monotone voice. Japan struggled to get out of Greece’s grasp, failing miserably.

            They made their way into town and to a pet shop, where Greece immediately ran towards the cats. “Japan, come here,” he said, not raising his voice. Japan walked over to Greece looking at the kittens. They all began meowing softly as Greece opened the cage, immediately clinging to him. “Hello kittens, have you missed me?” Greece asked the cats, petting a small orange one that had somehow managed to find its way onto his head.

            Japan stood by awkwardly as the full-grown nation played with the cats. He swore he could see a faint smile on his face as he looked to a black and white tuxedo cat. Greece picked up the kitten and handed it to Japan. “How about this one? Do you like it?” he asked, sounding slightly more nervous.

            Japan pet the small kitten, which nuzzled into his hand. He didn’t meow, or scratch, and he didn’t even bite him. Japan found this cat extremely calming, unlike his jumpy puppy, Pochi. “He is very carm. I rike him,” he said, smiling slightly. Greece said goodbye to all the cats, setting them back into the cage. He grabbed the cat gently from Japan and walked up to the clerk.

            “I would like to adopt this cat please,” he stated blandly. The woman nodded and handed him all the paperwork, which he sighed quickly. She thanked him, taking the paperwork into the office. “Thank you,” he replied, turning around and walking out of the store with the cat in a carrying case.

            They walked together for a while, taking a bit more time since the cat was moving around in the case. They made it back to Japan’s car, and Greece smiled slightly, handing Japan the cat case. “What are you doing? This is your cat,” he said, utterly confused. Greece shook his head and leaned down, pecking Japan on the cheek. Japan went bright red and stumbled back onto the hood of his car.

            “This is your birthday gift. Sorry I couldn’t get it for you earlier, the cat just came in today,” he said kindly, pointing to the carrying case. Japan flushed dark red and looked up at Greece.

            “Th-thank you Greece-san… I thought everyone forgot about my birthday,” he thanked softly. Greece leaned down, pressing a kiss against Japan’s lips. When he pulled away, Japan was stuttering like mad.

            “I could never forget the birthday of the person I love. What are you going to name your cat?” he asked calmly. Japan looked to the cat, smiling slightly at his fluffy face. He had decided on a name.

            “Giripan sounds good,” he replied, smiling more than he has in his entire life.

        Bleh so cheesy! Anyways, hope you enjoyed it! If you have any shippings you want me to write about, just tell me. I will give you credit for the idea as well! Later!

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