HRExChibitalia - Picnic

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I am terribly sorry on how long this took! I kinda lost interest in writing anything over summer, but I’m back and now that school is starting up again (I’m kinda stuck in school for another 3 years to get missing credits L) in September I will be updating a bit quicker than I have been.

So enjoy some fluffy HRE x Chibitalia! Holy Rome still thinks Italy is a girl at this point.

Kiss her. Kiss her. Why can’t I just go up and kiss her?

Hello, I am the Holy Roman Empire. Italy is staying at my place for a while along with Hungary and Austria. Austria isn’t a bad guy, and Hungary is really nice and cleans up after me when I forget. But Italy… she is so beautiful. She is sweet, and kind, and really smart. If only I could actually get close to her without running away or getting her all scared.

“Holy Rome~!” Oh no, it’s Italy! I run into the closet and shut the door tight. “Holy Rome? I was wondering i- Oh… I thought I heard someone in here. Poo, what am I supposed to do with this picnic I have set up now.” Italy clicks her heels around the room and checks in my typical hiding places, like under the bed and in the cupboard. Oh no, she’s coming closer! I scream in my head. The door flies open and Italy is standing there, her face pink and a wide smile on her face. “There you are! Now stop playing hide and seek and come out silly!” I nudge my way out of the corner I forced myself into and laugh nervously.

“Haha, yeah, I was playing hide and seek. Now what was it you wanted to ask of me Italy?” I ask, scratching the back of my head and looking away slightly. Stop being so damned nervous you stupid love-struck boy!

“Oh yeah! I was wondering if you wanted to go on a picnic with me today. Miss Hungary helped me make it and Austria gave me until dinner off!” Italy beams happily, swinging a small basket out in front of me. I look down at the basket and up to her. She seems to have moved closer to me, and her lips look so- Snap out of it stupid head! Just say yes already!

“I would love to join you Italy, but-” I was cut off by Italy grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door. “Wait, where are we going?”

“On our picnic of course! I thought we could go out on the big hill that overlooks your house if that’s okay!” I just nod and let myself be carried away, dreading every moment.

When we arrive Italy starts setting things up. She puts down some of the outdoor china we have and silverware. She had grabbed an old white tablecloth for us to sit on while we eat. I take off my hat and cape and sit across from Italy, who smiles and taps beside her. “No need to be so formal Holy Rome, you can come sit beside me for once!”

“Are you sure Italy? I mean, the tablecloth isn’t that big,” I waver, hoping that I wouldn’t have to move. It’s not like I don’t want to, it’s that I really want to and wouldn’t be able to hold my own if I did.

“We can make us fit! If I need to I can sit on your lap, right?” I feel my face go red as I stand up and move to sit beside her. I suppose that is true…

Italy sets out some cucumber and smoked salmon sandwiches, along with cranberry scones and cream. English cuisine is a little out of her range, and I know she doesn’t like it in the slightest. But I adore it… She made it specifically because I would like it.

We spend a good twenty minutes eating in silence, me attempting not to push her to the ground. What, I have my urges… After we’re done eating she packs up the dishes and lies down on the blanket. “Come on Holy Rome, lay down with me please?”

I listen to her and lay down, moving myself so I’m not even touching her skirt. She moves closer and flips over onto her stomach. “Why are you so far away? Don’t you like being near me?” She kicks her legs up and tilts her head that’s resting on one hand. So cute!

“No it’s not that! I do like being near you a lot. I mean no a lot a lot, but a little. It’s just I like personal space. Not saying you’re invading it or anything!” As I ramble on I notice Italy laughing. Did I say something funny?

“You’re funny Holy Rome! I know what you meant!” Italy leans her face closer to mine and smiles. “I like being close to you as well,” she whispers and then laughs sweetly, looking into my eyes. Kiss her, kiss her, kiss her!

And so I do. I lean my head up and connect our lips together, my face a burning red. I close my eyes, too embarrassed to keep them open. She doesn’t pull away, she kisses back. She’s kissing me back! Yay, she’s kissing me back! As I pull away from our kiss, my face still a dark red, I open my eyes to see a shocked but overall pleased Italy sitting in front of me with her fingers to her lips.

“I-I don’t understand.” Italy says quietly. I sit up and hug her, unable to control myself any longer.

“I love you Italy! I love you, and I want to marry you!” I spit out, smiling widely to her. She smiles back, but looks a little wary. “What’s wrong? We can get married as soon as you want!”

“I do want to marry you. I want to marry you right now.” She says, looking happily at me. “But we can’t get married yet.”

I look at her in shock. Is it because of my family? “Why not?”

She laughs and looks at me confused. “Because it’s not legal yet silly! Haven’t you kept up with the news? Same sex marriage isn’t going to be legal for a long time.” Same. Sex. Marriage? But that would mean…

“You’re a guy!?” I yell in shock. He laughs and nods. “But, how can that be? You don’t look like one, or act like one!”

“Mister Austria made it that way. Having a little servant boy looks bad in his house, and since I apparently looked enough like a girl I was put in a dress and learned how to act like a girl. I hope you don’t mind Holy Rome.” I fell in love with a guy. Another boy. Oh my family is so going to kill me!

“I don’t mind, but we have to be super-secret. I don’t want you kicked out of my house, okay? We will get married as soon as we can!”

After that, a war began. And we were separated…

Years Later

“Germany!” Italy yells, jumping into my arms.

“Ja, vhat is it now?” I reply, strict.

“Germany! I wanna sleep with you tonight! My brother is being mean to me!” I look down and force a tiny smile. I wish I could smile at him.

“Ja, okay. Only for tonight.” We head into my room and he passes out. Just as I’m about to go to bed the phone right. Shiesse, who is calling now?

I pick up the phone and listen. Just listen. I feel something warm inside me awaken and I end the call, looking towards the sleeping Italian.

“Italy. It finally happened. We can finally get married! It’s legal now in both our countries. We can finally be together.” I say to his sleeping form. “If only you could remember me…”


Tadah! I’m done this one. Hope you liked it, because it was fun to write. After watching lots of cosplay videos I really got into HRE and Chibitalia and the sad story they shared. So I thought I’d do something cute and sad at the same time. Hope you enjoyed!

Au revoir mes chéris!

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