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"Easy no. No."

"It's a permanent solution to a likely temporary's as simple as 'don't do it'"

"If you're in a rough patch in life, please just see a therapist. There's no shame and if anyone calls you weak or a pussy for getting help, feel free to send your wrath on them."

"And if you can't afford a therapist, talk to someone you love and trust. It can be parents, significant others, friends, siblings, or even...I don't know...your drug dealer, just....anyone you feel you can trust with your feelings. Meggy said, there's no shame in getting the help you matter what age, situation, race, gender, sexuality, or whatever else, getting help, either emotionally or professionally, is the best option."

"And if you ever feel like killing yourself, please call the national suicide hotline...Tari, what's the number..?"

"Uh...1-800-273-8255....I hope I read that off right..."

"Yeah. And hell if all else fails...ask us for advice. I don't care if we're fictional lesbians on a storybook website, if that's what keeps you alive, so be it."

"Yeah. There's always someone who will be there for you. Your loved ones, the suicide hotline, your therapist...just please, get the help you need...."

(Admin's note: Seriously if you're struggling with suicidal thoughts, get some help. Therapy, hotlines, friends, family, coworkers, partners, and anything else are all there for you. Hell you can come to me for help. There's nothing wrong with reaching out for help, we're all human and we all need help eventually. There's no shame in getting help, no shame in being depressed even if some other guy "has it worse", and certainly no shame in talking about your feelings. Yes, even you men out there. It's ok to cry. Fuck the stereotypes, and let your emotions show. Show your feelings, find someone who will support you, and get yourself back on track.)

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