5. Breaking Point

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"What do you think will happen when we wake up?" I looked away from the stars to Cameron, seeing he was already looking at me.

"Well, we would go on with our regular lifes. I guess? I don't really know." He sat up and pulled me closer to him.

"But I don't want to go on without you. You are my best friend now. I can't just up and leave you." He got  teary and so did I.

"Cameron James Starder, I promise you that I will never ever leave you. Unless you leave me first." He smiled a little

"Well you already know I won't leave you." His smile began to fade and he slowly started leaning closer to me. Before I knew it, I was leaning too. Seconds passed, minutes, hours, it felt like forever until our lips finally met each other. It was a slow and passionate kiss, then gradually got heated up. He cupped the side of my face with one hand and secured the other to my waist. After a while, he leaned back.

"Well what was that?" I asked breathlessly.

"My first kiss."

**Fay's POV**

I want my Cat back. My little kitten. She is probably just doing this for her beauty. She says that's why she sleeps so much. I am just thankful for Josh. He helped me stop cutting. He stopped my drinking. And on top of all that, he asked me out. It has been 2 months since Cat's accident. So me and Josh have been together for 3 weeks. The doctors say that Cat has been progressing well. I miss her so much.  She needs to wake up already.

"You alright?" Josh snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking of Cat again."

"Oh baby, I'm sure she will wake up soon. If not then that means she is just being stubborn like always." He chuckled while tracing little designs on my legs.

"I just want her up now. We can go shopping, and eat at the little fry cart like always." Then I started thinking about how we always did things like that.


"Should I get the strawberry or the vanilla?" She looked up to me holding her little icecream cup.

"You always take five hours to choose, yet you always get the same flavor." Sh turned around and pulled down on the vanilla lever and filled her cup. We walked over to pay and the left the shop.

"Sha'll we go to the park or home?" 

"Most definatly the park."


She kept me sane. We always went to the park after icecream. If we got pizza, we went back to her house. If one of us had a break up, we went and got chips and soda, then went to my house. It's always how we do things. I haven't had icecream, or pizza, or chips since she's been gone.

**Jerad's POV**

"I don't know! Maybe we should!" I stomped out of my and Shelly's bedroom. She has been in a better mood since about a week ago ((WEEK AGO)) and I now know why. She has been doing drugs and niw she wants to take a little break. I didn't want to do it, but I gave in because I want to do whatever will make her happy.

**Shelly's POV**

He isn't worth my time. All I want is my daughter back. When I started doing drugs I thiught it would just take some of the pain away. It didn't, it just caused more problems. I think I'm going to quit. For Jared, for my marrage, but mostly for Caterina.

What is this? Another chapter you say?! I guess it is. BUT OHHH LOOK AT CAT GETTING SOME. and Fay be getting a little too. ;) Well I hope you guys like this chapter. It was hard to write because I'm almost out of ideas! Hey, that means you should comment some. Oh and while you're at it, vote some. Love you, byee!

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