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The following morning they both did their best to keep the mood normal. Neither one mentioned what had happened the night before while Wooyoung made breakfast and Yeosang turned on the news.

They had a routine they followed, especially on the days they worked together.

Wooyoung always had to go to the restaurant earlier to help prep the kitchen. They were only open for dinner service, so thankfully he didn't need to be in before noon.

On his walk over, Wooyoung tried to go over the events of the previous day in his mind. For Yeosang to come forward so suddenly didn't make sense. It just wasn't how Yeosang worked. He was shy, reserved, sometimes uncertain. Wooyoung knew his friend more than he probably knew himself.

There was no way Yeosang would ever get to the point where he would ask for help like that.

And to Wooyoung, it was all linked to the mysterious customer.

Hopefully it was just a one time thing and they would never have to deal with it again.

But as he stepped into the back alley leading to his work, he noticed someone leaning against the wall. His back was curved in a tantalizing way and he had one leg propped up so that his knee was bent. He also had his arms crossed over his chest.

If Wooyoung didn't instantly recognize him he would have thought the man was incredibly attractive.

No, he still thought that, but he did his best not to think it.

"Can I help you?" Wooyoung asked, taking a step back.

"I'm looking for Yeosang." The stranger looked directly at him and Wooyoung froze.

Not because he wanted to, but because the man's gaze seemed to lock him in place. All control over his body left him.

Wooyoung was under the strangers spell.

It grew even stronger when the stranger started walking toward him. "Yeosang." He said again. "Where is he?"

"I'm not t-telling you." Wooyoung tried to swallow the lump in his throat, but even that felt like it wouldn't move.

"What's your name?" The stranger stopped right in front of him and tilted his head to the side in an almost curious fashion.

Wooyoung shook his head. He didn't know what was going on, but he wasn't going to fall for it. This had to be some sort of a dream. His racing heart, the sweat building on his forehead, the thing spiraling around his leg...

He suddenly stepped back, regaining control over his body, and looked down at his leg.

Something had been wrapping around it. He felt it. It was...

Nothing was there.

"What the fuck is going on?!" He said with a whine while fisting his hair.

"Name." The stranger said again, recapturing Wooyoung's attention. He suddenly started walking forward, forcing Wooyoung back until he was pinned against the alley wall.

The air started to smell sweet and Wooyoung's vision blurred.



Fingers gently caressed his neck. A hot wave of desire rushed through his body and Wooyoung let out a soft moan.

The stranger leaned forward, a smirk set into his beautiful lips, and whispered, "Name."


"Wooyoung." God even his name sounded good when he stranger spoke it.

The fingers continued to put pressure on his neck and it felt like something was winding around his leg again, but at this point Wooyoung didn't even care. All he could do was hum in response.

The Secrets Within ||| Seonghwa/Yeosang/Wooyoung (Ateez)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora