Anisha's Game

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On Aisy's happiest day, Anisha decided to ruin it. What pisses her off most was that Aisy's family members saw what Anisha did. Aisy's parents looked at Aisy, waiting for some explanation.

"They are just childhood friends. They grew up together. Nothing more. Trust me, okay?" Explained Aisy.

"It doesn't look that way, Aisy. The way I look at it, she's so into Mateen. Better get things straight with Mateen okay, Aisy?" Sais Aisy's mum.

"Sure." Replied Aisy.

Aisy walks towards Prince Mateen and drags him out from his circle group of friends.

"What's up?" Asked Prince Mateen clueless.

"I don't like you with Anisha. I don't care that you guys are childhood friends or whatever but today she behaved inappropriately in front of everyone. My parents are not happy when they saw the scene. So, now, I want you to stay away from her. Got it?" Said Aisy.

"You got it." Replied Prince Mateen.

"I mean it, Matt. She's gone too far this time around. She knew about our relationship status but she just has to do it." Said Aisy, frustrated.

"Hey, don't worry, okay. I will run away when she comes near me. I love you." Said Prince Mateen.

Aisy smiled.

Anisha wasn't happy when her brother confronted her. She hated Aisy so much. Even her brother is defending their relationship. All this while, no other woman has succeeded in dating Prince Mateen because of Anisha. She would do despicable things just to make Prince Mateen hers. All of Prince Mateen's ex-girlfriends broke up with him because of her. Somehow, Aisy is different. Anisha can't shake Aisy away from Prince Mateen and that annoys her even more.

Anisha overheard her brother conversation with Prince Mateen. Danial will be Prince Mateen's best man on his wedding day so Prince Mateen invited him to try out some traditional costumes on one of the days before Aisy fly back to Singapore. Anisha couldn't take the sight of Prince Mateen and Aisy together anymore and she came out with a despicable idea to separate Aisy and Prince Mateen. Anisha texted Prince Mateen if he is free tomorrow as she has invited a few of their friends to go to the beach to enjoy Prince Mateen remaining days before he is officially married.

Prince Mateen didn't think much and agreed to join Anisha as he assumes that Anisha wouldn't act up because their friends are there. Despite Aisy countless warnings, Prince Mateen believes that this might be the last time he can spend time with his friends before he's married and busy with his job and managing his responsibility as a husband and a father.

The next day, everyone decided to meet at the beach with their transport. Everyone had a good time and Prince Mateen decided to up the game by exploring the sea using his father's boat. Anisha purposely uses Prince Mateen phone and posted a photo of her and Prince Mateen on the yacht on his Instagram story. Anisha smirked and place his phone on the table. She knew Aisy going to be mad when she saw what Anisha did. 

Later that evening, after Aisy had her dinner, she went to scroll through her Instagram account. Aisy was furious when she saw Prince Mateen's Instagram story. She has repeatedly told him to stay away from Anisha but it seems that Prince Mateen didn't listen to her concerns. Aisy decided to watch some Netflix before going to bed. She refuses to answer Prince Mateen's texts or calls. She was craving some candies and chocolates but it was too late at night and the fact that she's mad at him, she doesn't want to ask for his help.

In the morning, Aisy gets up early and borrowed one of Prince Mateen's cars. She didn't bother to have her breakfast first. She asked one of the employees there to take Prince Mateen's car keys. She didn't know Brunei that well and she just wants to get her candies and chocolates. Aisy found a supermarket near the palace and parked his car in one of the parking lots. She gets out of the car and heads towards the supermarket Aisy picked up skittles, gummy bears and dairy milk bars from the candies section and proceed to the ice cream aisle to get some of the ben and jerry tubs. After she paid for everything, she heads back to Prince Mateen's car. Halfway through crossing the road, Aisy saw that a car is speeding in her direction.

She froze.

Aisy didn't know how to react. It seems like her legs can't move and she just stood there. Before she knows it, the car ran over her. Her candies, chocolates and ice cream tubs flew everywhere, making a mess. Blood was seen gushing out from her head due to the huge blow on the car's windshield. Her legs were fractured due to the great impact. Aisy was laying there on the road and everyone who witnessed the accident rushed to help her. One of the passersby called the ambulance and slowly Aisy consumed into the darkest.

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