First Met

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"Guys, let's go. We gonna miss the flight if we do not get out of the house right now." Aisy said.

Everyone is looking forward to this holiday trip to Brunei. Aisy has been busy with school since this year is her final year thus the huge amount of assignments, projects and presentations. She didn't get to spend much time with her family, let alone with herself. Hopefully, with this trip, she gets a break from her schoolwork and caught up with the time lost from her family.

"Aisy! I have always been wanting to ask you." Her little brother asked.

"What's up?" Aisy replied.

"Why Brunei? I mean there are lots of beautiful places to go like Greece, Spain and Hawaii." Said her little brother.

"Well, you will see." Aisy smiled.

2 hours and 5 minutes later ...

They have finally arrived in Brunei. They took the evening flight so, by the time they arrived in Brunei, it was pretty much late. Everyone is exhausted, even though it was only a short flight. Maybe because everyone stayed up late and couldn't fall asleep due to their excitement for this holiday trip.

"Aisy, I still don't see the reason why we are here. The airport doesn't even seem interesting at all. It looks so pale. Look at ours." Said, her little brother.

Jewel, Changi Airport, Singapore

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Jewel, Changi Airport, Singapore

Aisy sighed.

"Don't judge the book by its cover, baby. You will see the beauty of Brunei tomorrow. As of now, we shall head to the hotel to check in and then we will walk around Brunei tomorrow." Aisy replied.

The next day, everyone woke up early to have their breakfast and then they decided to go to Bandar Seri Begawan for sightseeing. As they were waiting for a rented car, Aisy heard a conversation between the Bruneians.

"Today there is a polo match at the Royal Brunei Polo and Riding Club. The royal family gonna be there to support the Charity Polo Day." Said one of the Bruneians. "Moreover, I heard the Prince Charming of Brunei, Prince Mateen gonna take part in the match." She added.

"We better head down there and watch him play!" Squealed in the excitement by the other Bruneian.

Aisy has never seen a polo match before let alone know the rules and how it was being played. Polo match is like foreign words to her.

"Hey, Aisy! Let's go!" Called her little brother.

On her way to Bandar Seri Begawan, she searched on Google for what Polo is all about. Polo is a horseback mounted team sport. The game is played by two opposing teams with the objective of scoring goals by using a long-handled wooden mallet to hit a small hard ball through the opposing team's goal. "The game itself looks difficult. How are they supposed to ride the horse and at the same time hit the ball?" Aisy thought.

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