Then his excitement crumbles as he remembers his earlier realization.

“Hagrid, how am I meant to pay for all this?” Harry questions timidly. He didn't want to miss out on the opportunity of Hogwarts just because he can't pay for it. 

“You see that large buildin’ ov’r there?” Hagrid asks as he points to the large building in the distance. Its plain white walls, a stark contrast to the other buildings in the alley. “That there is Gringotts, the wizarding bank, run by the goblins. Fierce beings, goblins; Warrior race. Don't want to be on their bad side, just treat them with respect and you'll have no problems.”

Harry doesn’t know how a bank is supposed to help him since he’s only been alive a grand total of eleven years, not exactly putting him in a financial situation that would require one, but he keeps quiet, thinking there may be a scholarship or something similar for students who can’t afford to go to Hogwarts. 

As they move closer to the building Harry notices two creatures about his size standing at the door. They’re fair-skinned, as if they don’t get enough time in the sun. Their fingers are long, as are their feet, and they have dome shaped heads with long pointed ears and noses. Their beady eyes are slanted and they seem sharp, as if they notice everything. They also have a ring of light surrounding them, theirs are decidedly darker than his own. ‘Based on the armour and spears they are carrying, they must be the guards’ Harry decides.

As they reach the steps, the guards bow to the two wizards, not really expecting the gesture to be reciprocated. So, they were thoroughly shocked when the child accompanying the half-giant bows back and continues into the bank. 

As they pass the first set of doors, Harry notices an inscription over the second set. 

Enter, stranger, but take heed
Of what awaits the sin of greed,
For those who take, but do not earn,
Must pay most dearly in their turn. 

So if you seek beneath our floors
A treasure that was never yours,
Thief, you have been warned, beware
Of finding more than treasure there.

Harry shivers a bit as he reads the warning, missing the grin the set of goblins at the doors gave him. Once again as he walks past them, the goblins bow and Harry bows back, picking up his pace to catch up to his companion when the taller man just keeps walking. 

As he passes the doors, Harry is in awe of the room he had just stepped into. It is lined with tall desks, placed in a U shape, creating a walkway down the center. There are goblins sitting at each desk performing various tasks. Some were writing, others were counting coins piled at their places, while the rest were weighing precious gems. Other goblins were running in and out of doors and various hallways littered throughout the room. 

Harry caught up to Hagrid who was waiting in line behind a man speaking, rather rudely, to the goblin behind the desk. As the man finishes, Hagrid steps up to the goblin, whose name plate reads “Teller Sharpfang.”

“We’re here to make a withdrawal from Mr.Potter’s vault.” Hagrid states. Harry just stares in shock, not knowing he owned a vault. In said moment, he almost misses the next interaction. Almost. 

“And does Mr.Potter have his key?” Sharpfang asked. Harry is about to reply with a negative response, when Hagrid answers for him.

“I got it ‘ere somewhere.” He then proceeds to dig through his pockets, placing the items he removes on the disgruntled goblin’s desk. “Ah! There it is!” He cries in triumph when he removes a golden key from his pocket. 

Harry Potter and the Slytherin Truth: Year OneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant