Chapter Two: The Way of Life

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Kirby sighed, sitting down on his bed, inside his little dome house. On his bedside table was a book, a book which had been written by his friend Galacta Knight some time ago.

Time had passed.

It had been eleven months, nearly a whole year since Kirby came back from an adventure which had changed his life forever. Kirby opened the first page of the book, now available to borrow from the newly-established Cappy Library.

"Dedicated to Sir Meta Knight. A great warrior, extraordinary teacher, but most importantly, a marvelous friend. May we meet in a world other than ours."

That page was crinkled by the tears that had fallen over the years, mostly from Kirby himself. Yet, somehow, he couldn't take his eyes away from the words. The words kept him staring. 


Oh, how he missed Meta Knight. His best friend and mentor had left them near the end of that fateful adventure. Kirby wished that the adventure never happened. He wished so hard upon the Clockwork Galactic Nova that Meta Knight could come back, his friends to be alive and well. 

How he wished he could have one more lesson, just one more conversation, one more connection to his friend. Just one more day. Eating watermelons under the sun, reading and bonding and doing all the things he wanted to do with him but never got the chance to.

But Galactic Nova never answered his cries for mercy. Meta Knight stayed gone. Dead. Over the last few years, Kirby had told himself over and over that death was a part of life. Meta Knight himself had told him that he had lost so many people in his life. After losing two at once, Kirby felt a pang in his heart, a gaping hole filled with void. How could Meta Knight deal with it?

Maybe he couldn't. Maybe he wore a mask because his face had contorted into a face of permanent anguish. Maybe he had been suffering until he had been brutally murdered and given the gift of peaceful death-

A knock came from his wooden door. Tap tap!

Kirby shut the book and walked to open the door, the knock breaking him from his trance of thoughts. Outside was a Waddle Dee. He was as big as Kirby, a brownish-orange tone with a tan face. He had no mouth, but had large, glossy brown eyes. On his head was a blue bandanna. In his stubby paw was a small spear.

"Hiya, Bandana Dee," Kirby mustered a weak smile. "Poy, how you been?"

Bandanna drew a face in the dirt outside Kirby's hut. It looked a little like this:

( :| ) 

That meant he was okay. 

Over the last few years, Kirby had been befriending someone new - Bandana Dee. Bandana Dee had just... Popped out of nowhere, with his spear and bandanna and nothing else. He had begun to work for the pesky King DeDeDe.

Bandana Dee then drew another picture into the dirt with the sharp tip of his metallic spear head. It was a circle with big wings, a cross in the middle of the circle, then he wrote "Galacta!" Kirby immediately recognised it as Galacta Knight.

"Poy, Galaca Kni?" Kirby asked. Bandana Dee beckoned for him to follow. Kirby began to worry. Galacta Knight had been okay for the first day of being back, telling everyone that they were fine, but it began to set in that Meta Knight was gone.

And suddenly, she had disappeared after her book was published. Like a leaf in the wind, she had spread her wings and left without telling anyone. Not even Kirby. She had left after putting the small yellow star in the massive tiki named Kabu, Kirby's Warp Star back in it's original and final resting place. They had found it near the Ice Cream Islands, where Kirby had fallen into the portal that Tsurara had made. Meta Knight's heroic ending must have taken a huge toll on her emotional health.

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