Chapter One: Breaking News!

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Note: You gotta read the insight from last book in order to know about Marx's situation!

"Breaking News!" The TV blared, "People have reported seeing a pink creature going on a rampage in the Kanto Region. After attacking Saffron City and Lavender Town, Pewter City has been the next one to be attacked. More details regarding this creature will be posted online or in future news stories." 

A video played on the Professor's Television, a shaky video displaying what had happened to Pewter City. It showed places on fire, and a blurred pink creature attacking everyone. It cut to the Pewter City's gym leader, Brock, defending his city with a rock type Pokemon, Geodude. The clip ended before anyone could see an outcome, but it ended with an explosion. 

"Pika?" A little electric type Mouse named Pikachu yipped. "Pika Pikachu!" 

"I know, Pikachu. Hopefully Brock and everyone else is okay." A boy named Ash replied, scoffing cereal down, hungrier than a Munchlax. Ash had messy jet black hair, and wore a striped shirt and plain shorts.

Speaking of a Munchlax, the Pokemon itself slid over to it's massive bowl of breakfast and tipped it all into it's mouth. Munchlax was a cyan coloured Pokemon with an insatiable hunger. It was lucky that it was able to be controlled to an extent, but sometimes it's hunger gets the best of it.

Munchlax waddled over to a fellow Pokemon's food bowl (It was Lycanroc's). Munchlax growled in an attempt to scare Lycanroc off its food. In return, it emitted a deep snarl that Munchlax couldn't beat.

In another attempt, Munchlax tried doing the same to Rowlet, the grass flying type bird. Rowlet was much less intimidating, but it just didn't allow Munchlax to eat, by blocking the food with its body. Munchlax had enough, and grabbed Rowlet and chucked it away. 

"Oi, Munchlax! That's Rowlet's food, not yours!" A female voice yelled from the kitchen; Professor Burnet's voice. Out from the kitchen came the Pokemon Professor, Professor Kukui.

"It's Brock! We met him recently! Hopefully they sort out that pink creature." He exclaimed at the TV. He also had black hair, though it was much neater, and he wore a white lab coat and green knee length pants. He didn't wear a shirt under his coat, so his chest was bare. It also showed a pink scar, a lasting impression that would never let any of them forget what had happened. "Oh, look at the time! Gotta go! Ash, don't be late for school!" 

With that, the teacher zoomed out of the house, leaving Ash with Burnet. They both rolled their eyes.

"It's reminding me of Kirby, I wonder if it's from his world." Ash said, pausing the TV and studying the pink blur. It certainly was spherical, had big brown, glossy shoes, but it had massive wings, and they weren't like Galacta Knight's. A floating Pokedex, Rotom Dex also studied the picture. Rotom Dex had shiny red metal and a clean glass screen. It was a relatively new, gleaming body after the previous case holding of the Rotom had recently been smashed in their exciting previous adventure.

"Well, it and Kirby have around a... beep... beep... 70% match. My guess it's from Kirby's world." It beeped, on it's screen a picture of the original pink puff and it's psycho counterpart. "I can make it clearer, but it would be just an accurate guess as to what it looks like. Chances are this is what it looks like- beep!"

The image cleared to show a pink sphere with brown feet, fangs, demented eyes and giant, feathery wings.

"It doesn't look super dangerous, but we could have another Tsurara on our hands." The female voice said, her head poking from the kitchen. She had white hair and tan skin. It was Professor Burnet, one of the scientists who had found the great warrior, Galacta Knight at the start of their previous adventure. In her hands was a bowl of cereal. "You should get going, Ash. Your school's starting soon, Professor Kukui just left, you know."

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