You tossed and turned as you tried to drift into a peaceful sleep. 'I can't sleep.' You thought then sighed. You continued to stare at the ceiling then began thinking about how your first day at UA would be.

'What if everyone there is way stronger than I am? Wait...but wouldn't that mean everyone there had to be accepted through recommendations?'

'Would I fit in?'

'What if everyone hates me?'

'Alright that's enough. I need to get some sleep.' You closed your eyes and finally felt yourself drifting away.

It was finally morning and although it took you a while, you opened your eyes and sat up in bed. You scrambled for your phone to check the time. 8:02 am. "I overslept!" You squealed as you leaped out of the bed. You quickly got dressed, brushed your teeth, took care of other personal hygienes, and placed some of last night's leftovers in your bag before heading out the door. You stood at a bus stop waiting for the bus, which didn't take long. You got on the bus and waited to get off at the stop at UA.

'I can't believe I overslept. My first day is starting off terrible. I hope I won't be late, C'mon (Y/N), breathe.' You listened to yourself and closed your eyes to take a breather. You opened your eyes and patiently waited the rest of the way. You hopped off the bus and ran towards the school.

Once you got inside you looked for your class. "Man! This place is huge! 1A... 1A...1-" You stopped at a huge door with 1-A on it. "I hope this won't be awkward." You mumbled to yourself before opening the door. Most people were in their seats while some were gathered in groups talking. A pink girl with horns noticed you and ran up to you. " Hi! My name is Mina Ashido. You were accepted through recommendations, right?" Before you could open your mouth to say anything, a swarm of girls gathered around.

"My name's Ochaco Uraraka! You're very pretty!" A girl with brown hair and rosy cheeks told you. "Oh uhh, thank you." You smiled. More questions were being thrown at you, such as your name, and you tried answering as many as possible.

"Who's she?" Sero questioned.

"I don't know, but Imma go see what's up." Kaminari said flirtatiously. He stood up but was pulled back down by Kirishima. "Never interrupt a conversation, especially if it's between females! It's unmanly." Kaminari slumped down in his chair and watched you from afar. You suddenly felt something on your leg weighing you down. You slowly looked down and saw a kid with purple balls for hair latched on to you. 'Uhhhhh!?' You started freaking out a bit on the inside.

"I...just want...a peek-!" The boy tried reaching for your skirt, but before he could, the girls around you kicked him off your leg. He complained about how unfair you all were then went back to his seat. "Thanks." You exhaled in relief.

"That's weird." Deku mumbled as he looked at you from Iida's desk. Iida looked at Deku confused. "Why's that?" Deku then turned to Iida. "Well usually 4 people are admitted through recommendations and 36 are admitted through the regular exam. All those people are then split into two classes, with 18 in each class plus 2 recommended people. Judging by the faces I don't recognize, there are now three people who were admitted through recommendations." Deku explained. "Hmm...I didn't realize that." Iida replied.

The girls continued to talk amongst themselves as you scanned the room. There were no free seats left so you had nowhere to sit. You continued to scan the room until you spotted a familiar face– a boy whose hair was half red and half white. You recognized him from the entrance exam.

"If you want to play friends go somewhere else." A voice behind you said. You slowly turned around to see someone in a mummy sleeping bag. 'Wh-Who is that?!' You and the other females thought. "This is the hero course." The caterpillar said then stood up to unzip his sleeping bag. "You all aren't rational enough." His full body was reveal as he stepped out of the bag. 'Oh he's a teacher? He looks so worn out but he's....' You didn't complete your thought but you felt your face heat up a little. He glanced at you causing your face to burn even more. You quickly glanced down at your feet to avoid any more eye contact and embarrassment.

"I'm your home room teacher, Shota Aizawa. Nice to meet you all."

You kept you head down while everyone else around you talked about the teacher. "(Y/N), are you okay?" You quickly whipped your head up to Uraraka. "Y-Yeah I'm fine." You smiled nervously. "Settle down everyone," Mr. Aizawa demanded. Once everyone obeyed he continued. "This is pretty sudden, but I need all of you to put on one of these uniforms and head out to the field." Everyone grabbed a uniform and did as he said.

You all were outside waiting for him to give instructions. "Today you will all be taking a quirk assessment."

"A quirk assessment?!" Everyone cried out in unison.

"Yes. You all will be doing the following tests: 50 meter dash, grip strength test, standing long jump, repeated side step, ball throw, sit ups, the seated toe touch test, and long distance run all in that order. Of course you're allowed to use your quirks for your benefit. Any questions?" The teacher instructed. Everyone kept quiet in response. "Oh, one more thing. Whoever comes in last will be expelled. With that being said, let's begin."

Taboo (Mr. Aizawa x student reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt