Protecting Derdriu:

Start from the beginning

No one quite knew how to respond to that, Byleth personally didn't want to involve the Kingdom in this but... It didn't look like they would make it out of this battle unscathed. So, she would have to set aside her own personal feelings for this fight... well if they came, that is.

Eventually everyone left from Claude's study to prepare for the battle to come.

"Byleth, Hilda, wait a moment" Claude said as they were about to exit from the room.

Byleth stopped in her tracks and turned back around to Claude, "Yes?" Byleth said.

"I want to know, do you two think that the Kingdom army will come?" Claude asked.

Both Byleth and Hilda were silent for a moment, "I mean Dimitri did want to help us initially with coming to Derdriu" Hilda said, "So I don't see why not" she added.

Claude nodded then looked to Byleth, "What do you think, you know them best" he said.

Byleth looked at the floor.

She knew them best?

Did she really?

Because she was certain that Dimitri wouldn't have killed her friends and split their armies and yet... here they are.

Byleth sighed, "I don't know Claude... If Dimitri was serious about wanting to redeem himself to us, then think he will... But there are also a lot of factors that make me think he won't" she said "We'll just have to wait and see" she added.

Claude nodded, "Yeah, I know" he sighed.

"Any how we're screwed aren't we Claude" Hilda said.

Claude nodded, "Oh definitely" he replied then paused "You know what for what it's worth, I have a feeling that Dimitri will pull through for us" he said.

Before anyone could say anything there was a knock at the entrance of Claude's study, Byleth looked and saw Judith.

"Hey boy, I heard you were having a meeting in here" Judith said with a laugh and entered into the room, "Although by the looks of it, you three are just hanging out in here" she said then shook her head. "I expected better from the leader of the Alliance" Judith teased.

Claude shook his head, "The meeting ended a while ago, you're late" he said, "Also stop calling me boy, we talked about this already" he added.

Judith shook her head, "Sorry, but not a chance" she said with a laugh. "Any ways what's the plan mister master tactician?" Judith asked.

"The four of us will be fighting head on" Claude said.

Judith looked at him with a stern look on her face "Just the four of us?" she asked "I thought this was a plan, not a suicide mission" she stated, "I mean I have a couple of men with me to bring into battle, but it is not nearly enough to take on the Imperial army" she said while shaking her head. "What about the rest of your men, why aren't they fighting alongside us?" Judith asked.

"I have the majority of them on duty of protecting our citizens" Claude replied, "I've also asked the Kingdom for aid" he said "If we're lucky they'll come to our aid and flank the Imperial army" Claude added.

Judith was quiet for a moment, "Your putting a lot of faith in them coming to our help" Judith said "I hope you know what you're doing boy" she added in a stern voice.

Claude shrugged "Even if they don't show we should be fine" he said but Byleth could have sworn Claude sounded unconvinced by his own words.

Judith frowned and shook her head, "I swear you'll be the death of me" she sighed.

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