Chapter 34

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It had been two weeks and Harry couldn't tell what was left or right anymore. Three to four days a week Harry found himself at the Tomlinson's house locked inside his project room just going through the endless photos. Every school day Harry stayed for three to four hours and more often than not stayed for dinner before heading back to his own house to finish any other homework or just to relax.

On Friday nights Harry always found himself working until he fell asleep, always forgetting to stop in time to walk down to the guest room and sleep in an actual bed but somehow every Saturday morning he woke up wrapped in blankets and a pillow underneath his head.

It was late Friday night and Harry's birthday was the following morning and to everyone's knowledge nothing had been planned yet, Harry had been way too busy to agree to do anything and every time somebody asked him what he wanted to do all he said was "rest" and Louis could understand the reason for the answer seeing how hard harry worked himself over his project but he had something planned.

Louis had learned to through his mum what Harry was doing in the spare room and he made sure to try and not to bother Harry and keep Phoebe and Daisy busy as well so they didn't disrupt him either. The whole thing was actually a blessing in disguise allowing Louis to spend so much time with sisters.

Over time Louis couldn't help but feel things were going back to the way they were when he and Harry were little, even without seeing him as often as he did back then Louis still felt his life was returning back into its happiest time, all because he was closer to Harry then he had been in years.

At eleven-o-clock, sharp Louis burst through the door of Harry's project room as quietly as he could while being dramatic.

"Okay we are leaving, come on Harry."

"Wait what are you talking about, it's late and I have to continue going through these photos."

"Nope you are only seventeen for one more hour and you aren't going to turn into an adult sitting alone in this room, that's not a very Harry Styles thing to do."


"Nope, you have no choice. Come on."

Louis extended his hand down towards Harry and eventually, Harry put down the photos in his hands, rolled his eyes, and grabbed Louis's hand.

"Fine, I better not regret this."

Louis tugged Harry up while Harry also jumped up from the floor causing him to nearly stumble into Louis when he finally got on his feet. Both Louis and Harry's breath hitched in the back of their throats and the air ran stale between them as their eyes mixed together looking deep inside the others.

"Don't worry you won't"

Still holding Harry's hand Louis turned around and led him down the stairs and into the garage. When they finally arrived at Louis's car he found himself not wanting to let go of Harry's hand but he knew the longer he continued to stand there the more tension would begin to rise between the two and now was not the time to be selfish, it was time to celebrate Harry.

"Okay get in the car."

Louis let go of Harry's hand and grabbed the door handle allowing for him to climb into the driver's seat. It wasn't until he was already buckled that Harry opened the passenger door and got in as well.

It didn't take long for Louis to enter an address into his car's GPS system and began driving, following the directions as they appeared. Since it was so late there were almost no cars on the road anymore, it was too late for people coming back from dinner and too early for people to be leaving the bars. After a flexible silence, Harry finally spoke, asking a question that burned in the back of his head for years.

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