Chapter 24

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New Year's Day was very uneventful in the Styles household. Due to the extremely late night, Harry slept in until almost four in the afternoon. When he finally woke up Harry walked down his stairs to see both Niall and Cassie laying down the couch cuddled up with bottles of water and food wrappers littering the end tables.

Noticing that the two were sleeping Harry went into the kitchen as his stomach grumbled. Harry tried his best to keep his motions small and quiet to not disturb his sleeping friends knowing that they were suffering from a wild hangover. Carefully Harry pulled out an old faded blue bowl as well as a box of honey crunch flake cereal.

The crinkles of the plastic and cardboard caused Harry to continuously swift his eyes out into the living room until his bowl was filled to the brim with cereal. Once Harry had put the box of cereal back into his kitchen cupboard he went over to the fridge and pulled out his carton of oat milk. Harry unscrewed the plastic cap and let the sweet liquid fall over his cereal. Harry set the carton down and picked up his spoon spooning the crunchy food into his mouth.

After finishing his breakfast, well is it still breakfast at four pm? Harry decided it was best to at least try and wake up Cassie and Niall, even though their families knew where they were Harry was sure they would be made if they hadn't heard from them yet.

Harry gently tugged on the edge of the blanket that the two where sharing and watched as Niall and Cassie stirred awake. Knowing they would already hate him enough for just waking them up Harry was nice and closed all the blinds and drew the curtains so there was only a fraction amount of light in the room.

"Hey have you both texted your parents?"

A few hums and a head nod from Niall was the only response Harry got. Harry knew they were still exhausted but it was four pm on New Years Day and he didn't want to be alone. After all, it was his house they where at so he did have some more control. With that, Harry grabbed a chunk of the fuzzy blanket in his hands and pulled the blanket off of Naill and Cassie in one giant swoop.

"Hey! what are you doing!"

"Give it back! Harry!"

"Ah ah no. I refuse to be alone today so you are going to get up, take some medicine if you need it, and we are going to have a movie marathon. Am I clear?"

Niall proper himself up on his elbows which in turn caused Cassie to moved upwards as well. In a slight protest, she just let the entire of her body fall on Niall who let out a small grunt at the extra force pushing him back down.

"Can we go to the store and get food?"

"Seriously Niall that's what you're going to ask?"

"Hey food helps with a hangover. Besides I'm absolutely starving and if I am going to be forced against my will to watch a movie I might as well be full while doing it."

"Harry, why are you doing this?"

Cassie was so desperate for at least another hour of sleep she still had her eyes closed and her words were mixed with yawns. Harry grabbed Cassie's shoulders and lifted her off of Niall, sitting her up fully while he wedged himself in the new small space he had just created.

"Because.  I am a needy person."

"I hate you."

"I love you more."


Cassie fell over onto the opposite side of the couch leaning her heard against the arm of the couch. Harry let out a giggle at the dramatic gesture before turning to his attention to Niall.

"You wanna go with me mate?"

"Sure, anything for food! Just let me go brush my teeth real quick."

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