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hey what's rpw???
Seen. 12:43 pm

Ay seenirst ka na, congrats
seen. 12:43 pm

pag eto sineen mo pa..
seen. 12:44 pm

leche ka, di mo na ako lab:((
seen. 12:45 pm

Hoy sorry naka
tulog aqouch huhu
1:02 pm

wag ka na tampo mwaps
1:03 pm

rpw is the place where you can
do anything you want!!
1:03 pm

How can I get there?
seen. 1:04 pm

gawa ka ng account
1:05 pm

what kind of account?
seen. 1:05 pm

Oh I know what is it na!!
thankee mwapsss<33
seen. 1:07 pm

be careful ka lang ha

seen. 1:08 pm

In rpw everything is fake,
"Once you fall, you loose"
1:08 pm

ingat ka sissy mahar0t ka
pa naman
1:08 pm

baka ikaw bleh. Yes I will
be careful tsaka I will
write lang naman
seen. 1:09 pm

sana true
seen. 1:09 pm

Ayesha Lee went off.

ay hatdog
sent. 1:11 pm

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. This book is purely from the author's imaginative mind.

author's note: the story is not yet edited.

All rights reserved 2020.

when in rpwUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum