Aigonorous, The Detached Slacker: Story 7

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A Few Days Later...

"Hey, come on, com here." I beckon, extending my hand out.

"Me-eh!" One of the heralds happily walks over to me, nuzzling his nose against my hand.

"Good boy!"

I accompanied Aigonorous to the heralds' mansion once more. At first the heralds didn't take to kindly to strangers, but surprisingly, they've gotten use to me. I chalk it up to be the fact that I'm here with Aigonorous.

"Hm?" I lift my head and scan the room.

"What?" Aigonorous cocks his head to the side.

"I haven't seen Nashira." I take a closer look around the pillars to see if Nashira was hiding again.

But he's no where to be seen. And a sense of worry washes over me, wondering if his leg could be acting up again.

"Me-eh-eh!" Then there's an energetic, happy bleat.

"Nashira, there you are!" I pet the heralds head. "You're standing up and walking, good."

"Me-eh." Nashira bites the hem of my sweater, and starts tugging on it.

I chuckle, and smile at him as I try to calm him down. "I'm going to be leaving the heavens for a bit, I don't when I'll see you again, but I'm glad I met you."

"...I could summon him whenever, you know." Aigonorous says.

I sigh. "Yeah, but he would stand out on earth. It's not that easy to have him around."

"...True..." Aigonorous slowly nods.

I think back on the events of a few days ago. Helping Nashira walk again, and Aigonorous promised to take me to earth as a thank you.

"...So, are you sure it's okay?" I ask.


"Ignoring Leon's orders and returning to earth."

I might have been the one to suggest it in the first place, but I honestly didn't expect him to agree so easily.

Aigonorous shrugs. "Sure...who cares? Or are you scared?"


"Those guys might come after you again if you're on earth."

I take a moment to think it over. Aware of the fact that the dark king's minions may attack. However, the love and care I have for the people I left behind are stronger than the fear I have.

I look Aigonorous in the eye and smile. "I'm sure I'll be fine. Besides, I'll have you with me."

It's strange back then, it was more nerve-wracking with be with Aigonorous than without him. But now, after discovering more about him, I feel secured and comforted with him around.

"Its okay..."


"I'll keep you safe this time." Aigonorous flashes me a gentle smile.

That one little sentence alone makes the butterflies in my stomach flutter wildly.


After saying goodbye to Aigonorous' entourage of heralds, he leads me back to the palace, and we come to a familiar looking door.

"This connected to the heavens with earth?"

"Yeah... it leads to the mansion where Leon and the others live." Aigonorous nods.

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