Chapter 13 - Julian vs. Kira

Start from the beginning

Phoenix attacked again. And then again and again.

'See, just a common Beyblade,' she taunted him once more.

Kira knew Destroyer's defence was the best, but she just wanted to see his worried face for some more time. She knew she was going to win, but she wanted to have a little bit more fun.

However, her overconfidence ended up betraying her and Gravity Destroyer was able to escape Phoenix's attacks. The female's eyes widen. How could he have dodged it? Her Beyblade was being too swift for that to be possible.

Then, the black bey attacked fiercely. It was clear Julian was trying to show his power and strength too.

'Listen to the perfect melody,' Julian commented while his bey hit Kira's. 'And for the grand finale, special move: Black Excalibur!'

A purplish gladiator rose from the black Beyblade and lift his black sword to attack Phoenix.

'Phoenix, Fire Shield!' Kira commanded the second before the black sword hit her red Beyblade.

'That one was close,' James commented to his teammates.

If only the female could use her newest special move. Well, technically, she could, but the chances of it being successful weren't that hight and if she used that move she wouldn't have much more energy to use another one. Kira had to think of a solution fast.

'You are the one with the common Beyblade,' Julian taunted her since he was now the one with the advantage. 'And you are just a pretty face who got lucky.'

Kira's light eyes looked straight into Julian's royal blue ones. He was starting to get on her bad side.

'He didn't just say that,' Brandon spoke showing how shocked he was with the Italian's comment. Kira was one of the most hardworking people he knew and she definitely wasn't lucky.

'So, you think I'm here because I got lucky?' the red-haired female asked and Julian just smirked showing his answer was yes. 'Then watch the pretty face getting even luckier.'

'Good luck,' the rich male spoke ironically. 'You'll never win against me and your Beyblade will never beat my Destroyer! Gravity Destroyer is the only Beyblade that can spin both clock and counterclockwise. Your little fiery bird has no power compared to Destroyer!'

The contempt in his words was getting in Kira's nerves and that was bad news for Julian.

'Just watch me,' she said fiercely. 'Phoenix, Rise From the Ashes!'

'What is she doing!?' Brandon exclaimed worriedly. 'She's being reckless!'

'He just made her angry,' James spoke. 'What did you expect!?'

In the stands, Gingka wasn't worried at all. He was extremely excited just like Yu.

'He can't compete against that move!' the kid exclaimed when the light created by Kira's special move was gone and he saw the red Beyblade rotating to the left.

'Phoenix attack power increased by twenty-five per cent!' Madoka exclaimed seeing the data in her laptop. 'And the speed too!'

Julian was paralyzed. How was that possible? And it changed the rotation during the battle! How? He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Did that mean Gravity Destroyer wasn't that powerful after all?

'So, what were you saying about your bey exactly, Konzern?' Kira taunted him letting her sadistic side show as she delighted herself by seeing the male in pure confusion and disappointment.

The crowd was just as shocked as he was. Some thought it was a trick and that the red Beyblade wasn't really rotating to the left. But then, the host spoke. He said, 'Phoenix is... it's rotating to the left! Phoenix can rotate to the left! Is this the end for Konzern?'

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