Ember is grabbed

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I was with Daddy Uncle Gil a talking doggy Jay and Carlos we were looking for King Beasty as we looked around i saw a pretty butterfly i ran after it and tried to grab it but it flew away i was sad when i looked around i didn't see Daddy

"Daddy" i started to get scared

"Mommy" then i was grab

"MOMMY DADDY" i suddenly felt a bit sleepy and went to sleep


After we found beasty boy and we turned him to normal well almost normal i looked around and see that ember not with us

"Ay Gil"

"What is it Harry"

"Where's ember" his eyes widen as we looked around


"Small May" shouts Gil i start to freak

"What's wrong Harry" asked De vil

"Ay it's my girl she... She not here she right behind me"

"Oh no if May"

"Ay man if May finds out I'll be shark bait for sure" i knew May temper well and this was going to give all hell now


As we looked around Hudson was running around playing i smiled me and Harry raised such amazing twins im hoping how he'll react to another one i placed my hand on my stomach and smiled more then keep looking when i felt a bit sick Uma and Mal were just standing behind me when i felt like puking so i ran and pushed both of them out the way to the restroom


"May May what the heck" i threw up

"May are you okay" i heard Evie asked

"Aunty Uma mama been sick a lot" i heard Hudson tell her

"What since when" she asked i got up flushed and cleaned my mouth

"Look i might as well tell you both now" i turned to face them

"I'm pregnant again" their eyes widen


"Mommas pregnant? What pregnant?" Asked Hudson confused i laughed as the girls hugged me

"I can't believe were being aunts again" said Mal

"Yeah but i still haven't told Harry anything" then we heard the boys as we walked to the entrance Harry head was down i was confused i looked around but i don't see ember

"Harry where's ember" i asked i see the boys freeze in place Harry takes my hand gently

"Lass don't freak out"

"Harry what's going on? where ember" i started to get worried for my princess

"Ay.... Ay i don't know" my eyes widen

"What?!" I flip i let go off his hands

"What do you mean you don't know where she is Harry she was with you and the guys"

"I .... I turned my back for a minute and she was gone"

"You know ember likes to explore and she doesn't know this place Harry what if she's hurt alone crying for us" i was crying at this point

"Love ay" i slapped him in front of everyone gasped i took off my ring he gave me and threw it on the ground and ran out


When my sister ran out Harry stood their Hudson walked over to him and hugged him a bit this is my fault i ran after May i saw her crying sitting down by a Rock


"What mal?" She said everyone came out i couldn't hide it anymore i knew this will break my sister heart more but

"Look before we go any further i been lying to you all after we find Audrey and stop her me and Ben decide to closed down the barrier for good" everyone gaps i see my sister stand up next to me

"My daughter your niece is missing and you decide to come clean at this moment" her hair turned red she was mad

"Im...im sorry i couldn't hide it anymore" she broke down on to her knees Harry ran over and picked her up but she pushed him away

"Don't ..."

"Lass i"

"How could you lose our daughter"

"I ...i didn't mean to" she turned to me

"You how could you lie to me your own sister" my head stayed low

"Oh no miss Queen wanted her happily ever after not caring the consequences of others" she picked up Hudson

"I hope your both happy with the mess you both made I'm gonna go find ember myself" she walked away with Hudson

"Daddy" he called out but Harry just stood their this is my fault


I was so angry at Harry and Mal but terrified for ember


"Yes baby"

"Are you leaving Daddy" my heart broke when he asked me that question i didn't want to be like my family broken i loved Harry with all my heart i was just mad i sighed as i set him down

"No love I'm not leaving daddy I'm just upset he lost ember"

"But maybe daddy didn't mean to lose ember daddy loves ember"

"Lass" i heard turned around and see Harry running towards us once he was in front of me he kissed me i got tense but i kissed back when we part i see he been crying


"Please don't leave me" my eyes widened then Hudson hug me i felt tears coming from him

"Har I'm not going to leave you and i didn't mean to slap you like that i was just mad and upset about ember"

"Ay lass i promise will find her" i smiled as we hugged

"I love you"

"Ay love ye too" then we heard a scream we ran over and see the core and Ben turned to stone then i see mal crying.

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